Barack Obama Politics

The Nerve of Obama for Creating a Budget Surplus for Month of April

President Obama is at it again.

The man has given Americans affordable healthcare, stopped the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and on his watch the stock market has hit record highs on multiple locations. And he also had the nerve to implement policies that brought our on employment rate down from almost 10 percent when he took office to 6.3 percent now.

What is this guy’s problem? It’s like he’s trying to make America a better place for Americans. How dare he!

And now this!

New reports out today are highlighting to the fact that under this president, we ran a surplus for the month of April. A $114 billion surplus!

For the first seven months of this fiscal year, which began on Oct. 1, the CBO estimates the country has racked up a $301 billion deficit, which is $187 billion lower than it was for the same period last year.
Federal coffers saw a 7% increase in individual income taxes and payroll taxes, a 15% increase in corporate income taxes, and a 37% increase in money paid to Treasury by the Federal Reserve.

Meanwhile, overall spending fell by 2%.

Making America a better place for Americans? The Republicans must be livid!

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