Piers Morgan Politics

Zimmerman’s Friend Talks about Zimmerman’s Guns – “Boys Will Have Their Toys”

He went on CNN’s Piers Morgan and began the interview actually sounding smart, talking about the “post traumatic stress disorder” he thinks George Zimmerman is going through after he killed Trayvon Martin. Then Piers Morgan asked the question to Zimmerman’s  former neighbor and Watch Block Captain Frank Taaffe, – if George Zimmerman suffers from PTSD, then why is he surrounding himself with all these guns?

Mr. Taaffe put aside his psychology hat and put on his dunce cap instead. He answered, “”Well, boys will have their toys, as they say.”

And that was essentially the end of the interview. Apparently Mr. Taaffe didn’t do his homework before agreeing to the interview with Piers Morgan. He apparently didn’t know that guests siding with murders and guns and showing no respect to the victims and their families, usually end in a shouting match with the CNN host.

Needless to say, Piers stayed true to from.

Watch what happened below.

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