Featured Mitch McConnell

Policies Are Too Advanced For Republicans, So McConnell Brought a Gun to CPAC

Lol… This is too funny. Mitch McConnell just proved that the only way to reach a conservative is not through policies, apparently a policy discussion is too advance for this group. Walk on the CPAC stage with a rifle in your hand and that’s all you need.

Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., kicked off the Conservative Political Action Conference Thursday morning by walking on stage carrying a rifle.

McConnell waved it around and handed it over to Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla. This moment was the only time the audience cheered for McConnell during his five minutes on stage, according to the National Journal.

The gun was reportedly a parting gift from the GOP to Coburn, who will be leaving the Senate due to health issue at the end of his term.

“Liberals absolutely hate it when Tom Coburn steps onto the Senate floor. He’s one of the smartest, most principled, most decent men I’ve ever served with. He reminds all of us every day of why it is we decided to run for office in the first place,” McConnell told the crowd.

The Senate Minority Leader and five-term senator is facing a Tea Party challenger in his home state later this year.

“If I’m given an opportunity to lead the U.S. Senate next year, I will not let you down,” he said.

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