Barack Obama Politics

Most Admired People of 2014 – Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton

I share this news with joy, not because President Obama is the most admired man in America or Hillary Clinton is the most admired woman, I share this news because it is sure to make some Republicans’ head explode!


My job here is done.

Despite a rocky year for Democrats, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama and have both held on to their reign as the most admired man and woman in America, coming in with strong leads ahead of of Oprah Winfrey, First Lady Michelle Obama, Sarah Palin, Pope Francis and former President Bill Clinton, according to Gallup’s annual poll.

This is the president’s seventh consecutive year topping the “most admired” list – a not-so surprising feat as sitting president’s have typically held this spot.

Clinton, who is widely expected to announce a bid for president next year, has held the “most admired woman” title 17 times in the past 18 years – breaking the streak only once, in 2001, when then-First Lady Laura Bush snatched the top spot following the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

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