Healthcare ObamaCare Politics

Republican Group Hires an Actress to Talk Bad About Obamacare

She's just an actress

So this is what they have resorted to. Having all their other Obamacare horror stories debunked as partisan hypocrisy,  Republicans are now hiring actresses to act in their an – Obamacare ads.

An Americans for Prosperity attack ad directed at Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK) over Obamacare purports to feature a voter for Alaska, but the woman is actually an actress who lives in the state of Maryland, according to The New York Times.

In the ad, a woman criticizes Begich, who is up for re-election in 2014, and President Barack Obama for the “promises they made to pass Obamacare.”

“They knew the real truth,”  the woman said in the ad. “Some are even losing their jobs. For too many of us costs are going way up. Senator Begich didn’t listen. How can I ever trust him again? It just isn’t fair. Alaska deserves better.”

In fact, the woman speaking is an actress Connie Bowman, who regularly does voiceovers as well as appearances in print ads.

The Koch brothers-funded Americans for Prosperity ad doesn’t explicitly say the woman is an Alaskan, but the Begich campaign slammed the spot for the implication.

“Today’s misleading ad from the Koch brothers is just more evidence that even billions of dollars can’t buy integrity,” Begich spokeswoman Rachel Barinbaum told the Times.

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