condoleeza rice Education Politics

Condoleeza Rice Shamed Away From Rutgers University Commencement

Condoleeza Rice was scheduled to give a Commencement speech and receive an Honorary doctorate from Rutgers on May 18th, but the students protested, blaming Rice and the Bush administration for falsely taking America into war and calling them “war criminals.”

The protests were heated at times, with students and faculty alike denouncing Rice’s involvement. The school’s president Robert Barchi however, would not budge and issued a statement that Rice should be allowed to speak, citing things about free speech and diverse opinions and the like. Barchi wrote;

 “Like our fellow citizens, you and I, our colleagues, have deep and sincerely held beliefs and convictions that often stand in stark contrast to others around us. Yet, we cannot protect free speech or academic freedom by denying others the right to an opposing view, or by excluding those with whom we may disagree. Free speech and academic freedom cannot be determined by any group. They cannot insist on consensus or popularity.”

Rice however, realizing the unnecessary friction her appearance was causing – and no doubt the guilt of being called a war criminal – Rice issued her own statement today refusing the invite and the $35000 appearance fee that went along with it.

In her statement earlier today, Rice said;

“Commencement should be a time of joyous celebration for the graduates and their families. Rutgers’ invitation to me to speak has become a distraction for the university community at this very special time.

I am honored to have served my country.  I have defended America’s belief in free speech and the exchange of ideas.  These values are essential to the health of our democracy.  But that is not what is at issue here.  As a Professor for thirty years at Stanford University and as it’s former Provost and Chief academic officer, I understand and embrace the purpose of the commencement ceremony and I am simply unwilling to detract from it in any way.

Good luck to the graduates and congratulations to the families, friends and loved ones who will gather to honor them.”

At least she has a conscience! If only Bush and Cheney could come to their senses and take some responsibility for the thousands of American troops lost and the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians killed. But, that just wishful thinking on my part I guess…

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