Health Healthcare News


Everyone has heard of Bayer aspirin, it is a household name. Bayer AG also manufactures numerous other products, from pesticides to medicine for hemophiliacs called Factor 8.

In 1984 Bayer became aware that several batches of this Factor 8 contained HIV. They knew this because there was an outbreak of HIV among hemophiliac children, and this outbreak was traced back to Bayer.

Unable to sell their Factor 8 in the US, Bayer, with the FDA’s permission, (yes that’s right, the FDA allowed Bayer to potentially kill thousands) sold this HIV infected medicine to Argentina, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore after February 1984, according to the documents obtained by the NY Times. The documents showed how Cutter Biological, a division of Bayer, shipped more than 100,000 vials of unheated concentrate, worth more than $4 million, after it began selling the safer product.

h/t – fitlife

Education News

Florida Teen makes History as Youngest Person Ever to Pass UK Bar Exam

A gifted Florida teenager has made history across the pond.

Gabrielle Turnquest, from Windermere, has demonstrated superior academic prowess to become the youngest person to qualify as a barrister in the U.K.

She was called to the Bar of England and Wales after passing her exams with flying colors at just 18.

What makes this achievement even more extraordinary is that the average lawyer undertakes the notoriously rigorous Bar Professional Training Course when they are 27, according to The University of Law records.


h/t – thegrio


Education Health

How Can I Get Rid of Belly Fat?

The best way to a flat belly is to watch what you eat and burn more calories than what you normally ingest, focusing on aerobic exercise, you can vary from walking, which is sustainable long term and you can do for the rest of your life to reap the benefits, or jogging, biking and running.

It is very important for you to commit to the process, that belly fat has, in most cases, been accumulating for a while, it won’t disappear magically overnight, you will have to work hard and remember that once you have all three components in place, the first changes may appear in your legs, arms, or butt. Do not despair, and don’t give up, the belly fat will burn off!

Remember to drink at least 64 ounces (8 glasses) of water daily and eat as clean as possible, Reduce high fat and high sugar foods like soda, candy and chips. Here are the links for Weight Loss Smoothies

Education Featured News Videos

Video Of 3 Teens Beating 13-Year-Old In Florida Bus Attack Released (VIDEO)

A video of three 15-year-old boys brutally beating and kicking a 13-year-old on July 9 has come to light, as authorities try to determine if the bus driver who refused to physically intervene should be charged with negligence.

This whole situation prompts us to ask an important question – should bus drivers or teachers step in during violent situations such as this?



h/t – globalgrind


Education Health

Super Foods for Strong Bones

1. Milk

Milk is the absolute best food to promote healthy bones. Milk has high levels of calcium, as well as protein. Milk almost always has vitamins D and A added as well, making it a perfect strong-bone food. One cup of milk has about 300mg of calcium.

2. Salmon

Salmon is a kind of fatty fish that contains a wide range of bone-boosting nutrients such as calcium, protein, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. Both vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids help to increase the absorption of calcium in the body. Regular consumption of salmon helps to improve bone density and bone accumulation. Salmon is also good for your heart. Salmon can be grilled, poached or baked and you can easily incorporate it into a wide variety of healthy dishes.
3. Yogurt

Most people get their vitamin D through exposure to sunlight, but certain foods, like yogurt, are fortified with vitamin D, and also contain a good amount of calcium and experts say that one cup of yogurt daily is enough to fulfill the calcium requirement of the body.

4. Sesame Seeds

For healthy bone structure, you must also regularly eat sesame seeds which are available throughout the year. Sesame seeds have a nutty flavor and contain various nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamins K and D. Daily recommendations are to consume at least one-fourth cup of these crunchy seeds, in roasted or dried form. You can also sprinkle some sesame seeds on cooked vegetables, toss them into your favorite salad, and add them to stir-fry vegetables. If you do not like the taste of sesame seeds then you can also try sesame butter. Along with sesame seeds you should also include flaxseed in your diet plan.

5. Sardines

These tiny fish, often found in cans, have surprisingly high levels of both vitamin D and calcium. One tin of sardines contain 351 mg of calcium.

6.Collard Greens

This leafy green vegetable contains a good amount of calcium along with magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin K. All these nutrients are essential to bone health. At the same time the anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, and anti-bacterial properties present in collard greens provide a variety of other health benefits also.

7. Eggs

Though eggs only contain 6% of your daily vitamin D, they’re a quick and easy way to get it. Just don’t opt for egg whites only, it may cut calories, but the vitamin D is in the yolk.

8. Spinach

Spinach is another easily available vegetable that is high in calcium content. Along with calcium, spinach also contains a good amount of fiber, iron, potassium, magnesium and vitamins A and C. Just one cup of cooked spinach can provide one-fourth of your daily calcium needs. There are different ways to cook this dark green leafy vegetable as it can be grilled, boiled, frozen, canned, or eaten raw, depending upon how you like to eat it. It makes a good addition to salads, sandwiches and appetizers. Along with spinach, you can also try Chinese cabbage, kale, broccoli and cauliflower to enjoy better bone health.

9. White Beans

White beans are another super-food for healthy bones. These legumes contain a good amount of calcium, fat-free protein, fiber, and essential minerals like magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. All these nutrients are essential for bone health. Depending on the type of white beans you choose, one cup of cooked beans can provide a good amount of calcium that promotes healthy strong bones. You can include white beans in soups, salads, stews, bean spreads, casseroles, and baked vegetables. More to try to include pinto beans, navy beans and black beans.

10. Fortified cereals
Certain cereals—like Kashi U Black Currants and Walnuts, Total Whole Grain, and Wheaties—contain up to 25% of your daily vitamin D. When you don’t have time to cook salmon or get out in the sun, cereals can be a tasty way to get your vitamin D.


Entertainment Movies Television


Terrence Howard has been accused by his ex-wife of beating her badly during a heated argument in Costa Rica … TMZ has learned.Michelle Ghent — who divorced Terrence in May but hooked up with him again recently … took a trip with Terrence and several of his family members to Costa Rica last week.  Sources say an argument erupted and she claims Terrence beat her up.

Read more: TMZ

Entertainment Television Videos

Oprah Winfrey Says Trayvon Martin & Emmett Till Are The Same (VIDEO)

“I think the Trayvon Martin case is the Emmett Till case. The parallels are striking. It’s so fascinating that 50 years since the march on Washington and the “I Have A Dream Speech…” That Trayvon Martin and Emmett Till are the same thing.”

Check out the entire video below:

Education Food And Recipes Health

10 Disgusting Facts About Fast Food

1. McDonald’s Milk Shake uses a ridiculous concoction of 50 chemicals, such as ethyl acetate, phenethyl alcohol and solvent, to “imitate” the flavor of a real strawberry.

2. Chicken? More like a disgusting sludge of pink paste, through a chemical process, causing excessive bacteria, so it is washed in ammonia and then re-flavored with more chemicals and dyed. Next time, think twice before ordering some “nuggets.”

3. The average fast food patron eats 12 pubic hairs in a given year.

4. Apparently it is approved by the FDA an average of 30 insect fragments, including rodent hair per 100 grams of peanut butter.

5. Shellac is used to improve the shine of wood and furniture but you can also find it in your delicious jelly beans, it is used to improve the shine of food.

6. The FDA approved the use of bacteriophages on processed food such as lunch meat and hot dogs.

7. Each can of coke contains 10 teaspoons of sugar, more than what your body needs daily, it is thanks to another additive called phosphoric acid, that cuts the levels of sugar, that you don’t vomit automatically after drinking a can.

8. Fast Food’s “healthiest” choice is a salad packed of antifreeze’s chemical compound, Propylene Glycerol, which causes eye and skin irritation.

9. Many fast food chicken items contain beef additives, listed as extract or essence, used to enhance flavor and change health stats.

10. Any cheese product labeled as processed is packed with additives, chemicals and flavorings, it is actually 49% of the product itself, half of the product has nothing to do with cheese. Visited (35544) times!

Food And Recipes Health

Making your Own Almond Milk

And here is a useful video that explains in more details the process, including using dates as natural sweetener:


Smithsonian Eyes Trayvon Martin Hoodie for Museum Exhibit

The hooded sweatshirt Trayvon Martin wore the night George Zimmerman shot him to death could end up on display at the Smithsonian Institution.

The shirt became a powerful symbol of the case after Zimmerman described Martin as wearing a “hoodie” the night he killed the teen, claiming self-defense. Protestors across the country wore hoodies in support of Martin as they called for Zimmerman’s arrest, prosecution and conviction.

h/t – abcnews


10 Foods that Pack on Muscle

The big secret for enhancing your ability to build muscles is the right type of food, of course strength training is still a must if you are aiming to create a lean, muscular physique.

Select high quality proteins, fats, and carbohydrates and definitely ditch junk food for better and faster results.
Many healthy foods help you put on lean muscle, but these ten are easily incorporated into any diet.


Some sources of protein can be high in saturated fat, too much of which can cause fat gain and raise your cholesterol levels. Chicken breast and lean turkey are lean sources of protein with minimal saturated fat.


It’s swimming with high quality protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which can decrease muscle-protein breakdown after your workout, improving recovery. To build muscle you need to store new protein faster than your body breaks down the old stuff.


Oatmeal is high in fiber, which makes you feel fuller longer. When training to build muscle, you need to consume about 55 to 60 percent of your calories from carbohydrates to fuel your workouts.


Almonds are one of the best sources of vitamin E, a potent antioxidant, that can help prevent free-radical damage after heavy workouts. The fewer hits taken from free radicals, the faster your muscles will recover from a workout and start growing.


Plain, low-fat yogurt provides your body with the essential bone-building mineral calcium, eating yogurt may help you lean down due to the high content of a specific amino acid called leucine.


The monounsaturated fat in olive oil appears to prevent muscle breakdown by lowering levels of a sinister cellular protein linked with muscle wasting and weakness.


Whey protein powder comes from the liquid leftover during the cheese-making process. This protein source is easily digested and contains all the amino acids you need to help build muscle.

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese contains a mixture of whey and casein, the two proteins found in milk. These two proteins help stimulate muscle growth.


Fueling your workout with caffeine will help you work longer, it is believed that caffeine directly stimulates the muscles. Skip it if you have a history of high blood pressure, though.


Eggs are rich in the amino acid tryptophan which helps you get a restful night’s sleep, and also contains about 6 grams of protein each.
Adequate rest is essential to muscle growth as it allows your body to repair. Eggs also provide numerous vitamins, minerals and the antioxidant lutein to support eye health.


Education Health News

5 Things You Need to Know About Your Blood Type

Have you ever wondered why you are not losing weight after following the exact same diet as your best friend and she manages to lose those 10 pounds fast and easy? Ever asked yourself why you get sick so often or why is your immune system so weak?

Are you eating the right foods for your blood type?
It is important to learn how your blood type affects your health and wellness, same as your weight and believe it or not your blood type makes you more susceptible to certain diseases.

Why does this happen?
We understand that there are four blood groups A, B, AB and O, and that blood type is determined by genetics. There are certain antigens (these could be proteins, carbohydrates and glycoproteins) that when they enter the body, the immune system produces antibodies against them. We respond differently to these antigens depending on our blood type.

Blood is classified by:
New: AB
Old: O
Agrarian: A
Nomadic: B

Blood type and diet:
Certain foods such as legumes contain a carbohydrate-binding protein called lectin. This substance is most likely to cause inflammation in the body, but it will produce stronger reactions in certain blood types. Therefore it can make you more susceptible to certain diseases and other factors like fatigue, poor digestion and weight gain.
There are a lot of chemical reactions going on in our bodies all day long, digestion is one of them and our blood type can affect how we digest the food, meaning it will be crucial in terms of weight loss or weight gain

Blood Type O
Recommended to eat:
-High-protein found in meat and fish
-Reduce carb intake
-Avoid diary

Blood Type A
Recommended to eat:
-Vegetarian diet (lots of veggies!)
-Grains (beans, legumes)

Blood Type B
Recommended to eat:
-Red Meat (avoid chicken)
-Fruits and vegetables

Blood Type AB
Recommended to eat:
-Lean meat
-Vegetables and legumes

Blood types and diseases:
As previously mentioned every blood type is different because of their antigens located on the surface of the red blood cells. Each blood type creates certain defenses to help fight diseases.

Blood type and personality:

Blood Type O
Blood Type A
-Most likely to be calm
-Most artistic
Blood Type B
-Goal oriented
– Strong minded
Blood Type AB
-Split personalities: outgoing and shy
-Confident and timid
-Care a lot for others

Blood type and fertility:
Women chances of fertility are different in different blood groups; this happens due to the fact that the amount of a hormone called follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) varies, depending on the blood type.

Some studies to prove this theory show that women with blood types A and AB were generally less likely than others to produce the follicle-stimulating hormone.

Please note that according to many nutritionists, there is not enough scientific evidence to support these claims, and if you’re among those who manage their diet based on scientific evidence, then you have to wait for more results to come up.

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