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Chelsea Clinton – Trump has “Mainstreamed Hate”

The Clintons are fighting back… will, at least Chelsea Clinton is. And she is fighting back hard.

While being interviewed by The Guardian, Chelsea Clinton did not hold her tongue when talking about the racism and hate ushered in and mainstreamed by the Trump administration.

“I think that the way that our president and many people around him have not only mainstreamed hate, but mainlined it, is so deeply dangerous. I think the wreckage that we’re seeing at this moment is one that will, I hope, be repaired on the policy standpoint when we elect Democrats. But I think we will still then have work to do on repairing the tone in our country, the exposure of the real racist and sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic and anti-Semitic feeling which is on the rise in our country ― a rot that has been exposed.”

See the rest of the interview here

Democracy Featured

The Last Vestige of Scoundrels

Great statements are considered great for a reason, and this one by Samuel Johnson about false patriotism certainly stands the test of time. Scoundrels will use patriotism for their own ends.

If it wasn’t apparent when Donald Trump began his run for president, it is crystal clear now; that his brand of patriotism is noxious, uncompromising, divisive and exclusionary. It is not a patriotism that demands respect or knowledge of American history.

It requires obsequiousness to the ruler.

It demands slander of anyone who is different, either by skin, sex, love or political belief.

It encourages ignorance, hatred and small-mindedness.

As we commemorate those who have fought for our freedom to challenge, to protest, to take to task, to account for the behavior and actions of those we elect, to disagree, to resist, and to just be a terrific nuisance to those who want something different from us, we must remember that change only comes when we make it inconvenient and painful for those in power to continue in power.

Have a great holiday.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Donald Trump Featured

Trump Calls His Wife By The Wrong Name

I can understand making this mistake when you’re talking about a friend. I can understand making this mistake when you’re talking about an acquaintance. But when you’re talking about your wife, the mother of your youngest child, making such a mistake deserve much condemnation!

After returning home from an almost week-long stay at the hospital for a kidney treatment, Donald Trump took to Twitter to welcome his wife home. He tweets;

“Great to have our incredible First Lady back home in the White House. Melanie is feeling and doing really well. Thank you for all of your prayers and best wishes!”

He quickly deleted the tweet and replaced it with another tweet welcoming his real wife Melania, not “Melanie.”

By now we all know that her name is Melania. Someone needs to tell her husband what her name is.

Donald Trump Donald Trump Featured

One Word: Trumpflation!

Yes, it’s here. Trumpflation: that combination of rising wages, rising interest rates, a border that’s closed to low wage labor, a trade war with China, tensions with our European allies over economic sanctions, and a dropping fertility rate. 

What’s it all add up to?

Well, it doesn’t really add up, but the result will be rising prices and wages that won’t keep pace. Add in the nice gotcha that will hit many people’s tax bills next April and you have a problem. This is what can happen when you govern by chaos, ignorance and a commitment to making the wealthy wealthier.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for a rising, healthy economy where anyone who wants a job can get one. And the economic expansion that began under Obama will continue to provide more employment and more money in the economy. Corporations have lots of cash on hand and many have committed to either building factories or bringing production home from overseas. These are positive developments and a wise president would leave this all alone, especially one who has told us repeatedly that he is a fan of laissez-faire economics.

The problems creep in when you poison the well with ideology. Isolating the country, threatening a trade war, slapping tariffs on goods and stoking a labor shortage because of short-sighted immigration policies will, I fear, stomp on this growth and will lead to unintended but decidedly visible consequences.

Which we are already seeing. Gas prices are up. Food prices are up – even at my local warehouse store. Of course, the convenience of all of this is that when the government calculates inflation they exclude, you got it, gas and food prices. So while these are the components that affect people more directly, the real inflation rate will likely remain low while people scratch their head about why goods cost so much more.

As for wages, I am glad to see them rising somewhat. But they are not rising enough to cover the rising prices. The promise of the tax cut was that American corporations would create more high wage jobs and invest in new infrastructure. The reality is that most of the tax cut money is going into stock buybacks that do very little for workers.  The federal minimum wage remains the same and this Congress will probably not raise it. Add the rising interest rates on cars and homes etc., and the debt will cost that much more. Unless workers are going to get a 4-5% increase, at some point they will start losing money.

The labor supply is in real jeopardy because fewer people are coming to the United States. They’ve been barred or scared off by the administration’s intolerance and hatred. Simply put, our economy has grown over the years because of new workers who come to this country. The birthrate has slowed, even revered in the past year. Countries that cannot replace their populations run the real and documented risk of stifling economic growth.

But at least we’ll get to test that old adage that immigrants are taking low wage jobs from Americans. With fewer immigrants, we will finally see if Americans flock to the fields or to the meat-packing plants. If wages stay low, then I don’t see this happening. When farm and meat producers begin to pay higher wages, we will all pay more at the store.

If we had a real populist in charge, then perhaps we could look forward to working people getting ahead and a tax cut that didn’t penalize people who voted against him. But we don’t have a real populist in charge, we have a president who would rather rule chaotically and unpredictably, although his unpredictability is becoming far more predictable, which creates uncertainty, volatility, and inequality.

Which is exactly what this country can look forward to.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Donald Trump

Donald Trump Repaid $100,000 in Hush Money To Porn Star

I’m trying to understand this. How can Donald Trump repay money his lawyer used to buy Porn Star Stormy Daniels’ silence about her sexual affair with the donald, when Trump swears he knew nothing about his lawyer’s payment?

You can only lie for so long before the truth catches up with you.

According to reporting in Yahoo News, Trump not only knew about the hush money, he actually repaid some of it. 



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Happy Mother’s Day

Remember not to post anything on the Internet you wouldn’t want your mother to see.

Of course, that would exclude 99% of what’s on the Internet.

Happy Mother’s Day.

Donald Trump Featured

Giuliani Confesses to Not Knowing All The Lies to Tell – Video

Wanna work for Donald Trump? Then you must know how to lie… or as Rudy Giuliani puts it, you must “learn all the facts.”

But how can you learn facts when Donald Trump and his administration is built on lies and corruption? And I’m not just saying that because of my inability to see anything favorable about Donald Trump, I’m calling it as it is. Donald Trump and his administration has lied and misled the American people every chance they get!

But I digress.

After going on television last week to tell the Americans that Donald Trump knew about the Stormy Daniels payment and has in fact, paid back the $130,000 in hush money his lawyer paid to the porn star, money paid days before the election to keep the porn star quiet about her sexual relationship with Donald Trump – Giuliani, who spoke with a commanding authority of the facts last week is now changing his tune. Apparently, he only knows half the truth… or half the lies depending on how you look at it.

This week, Donald Trump’s newest lawyer backtracked his claim that Trump knew about the hush money payment.

Work for Trump? You must know all the lies!


Common Among Celebrities and People of Wealth

Any populist claims made by Donald Trump are heretofore considered fraudulent.

This man is no populist. He’s barely popular and his policies will not help his constituents as much as they think.

The economic numbers that came out Friday were encouraging and at this point it’s Trump’s economy. Unemployment is down for almost every demographic group and wages are starting to edge upwards. But there are also fewer people in the work force and his aggressive anti-immigrant screeds are causing labor shortages that could spread from less attractive jobs to jobs that make the economy work.

Then there’s the trade policy that focuses obsessively on trade deficits, which are not necessarily the big problem we have with other countries. Many of those countries, including China, provide us with less expensive goods that wage-challenged Americans need in their daily lives. Plus, many American companies like Boeing, are worried that steel and aluminum will cost more. And the Export-Import Bank, a real bugaboo for conservative Republicans, won’t be around to help them weather foreign competition.

Add to that the inflation that is already showing itself in gasoline and food prices. And the tax bill that will be a great surprise to filers come next April, especially in states like New Jersey and New York, and you have a mixture of economic news that is decidedly, well…mixed.

But the real outrage should be directed at the president’s remarks about the deepening scandal over the payments he authorized to Stormy Daniels – authorizations he denied just a few months ago.  His defense that using Non Disclosure Agreements is a useful tool for the wealthy to fend off and manipulate less fortunate people is the height of unrestrained privilege.

President Trump is just as removed from anything populist as the next oligarch. He has spent his whole professional life trying to escape Queens, trying to escape the middle and working class people who live there, including the immigrants that have made Queens the most multicultural borough in New York. Of course, those of us subjected to his tabloid escapades since the 1980s already knew this. His best sell-job was convincing the slim majorities of mid-westerners that he was on their side.

And he misused the word role in his tweets, using roll instead. Nails on the blackboard to this teacher.

In the end, it’s the women and the cover-up that will sink him. Ain’t it always so?

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

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