The actor shared his feelings on the possibility of a president Trump on Thursday, and he slammed the door on that possibility, saying that Americans have never been afraid of anything and Trump’s Scare Tactics will not be enough to scare people to the polls to vote for him.
“Let’s start much simpler — there is not gonna be a President Donald Trump,” Clooney replied, according to Deadline. “Fear is not something that drives out country. We’re not going to be scared of Muslims or immigrants or women. We’re not actually afraid of anything, so we are not going to use fear. It’s not going to be an issue.”
George Clooney and his wife, international human rights lawyer Amal Clooney, have been major supporters of Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton and hosted a fundraiser for the former secretary of State this year at their Hollywood home.
On Thursday, Clooney blamed the media for boosting Trump’s visibility, arguing that journalists are giving the GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee an easy ride.
“Trump is actually a result in many ways of the fact that much of the news programs didn’t follow up and ask tough questions,” he said. “That’s the truth. It’s really easy because your numbers go up.
“The ratings go up because all these guys can show an empty podium and just say that Donald Trump is about to speak as opposed to taking those 30 seconds to talk about refugees … all those corporations would fall on their knees if we did actually inform a little bit.”
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