marco rubio Politics

Christie Slams “Boy in the Bubble” Marco Rubio During GOP Debate

Besides standing on stage next to Donald Trump with his 3 inch heels on and still looking too short for the podium, Marco Rubio had other issues at Saturday’s Republican debate, namely Chris Christie.

On the days leading up to Saturday’s debate, Chris Christie laid focus on Rubio, giving the young Florida Republican some attention Rubio probably didn’t want. Christie actively tried to re-coin the phrase “Boy in the Bubble” to describe Marco Rubio – the robotic Republican presidential candidate, who is apparently well versed in the art of memorizing and regurgitating portions of written speeches to answer questions. Christie zeroed in and chritcized Rubio and an inexperienced first-term senator who has no place running for president.

In the last Republican debate before New Hampshire goes to the polls, Christie seized the opportunity and continued hitting Rubio.

“Marco, the thing is this,” Christie said during one heated exchange early in the night, “when you’re president of the United States, when you’re a governor of a state, the memorized 30-second speech where you talk about how great America is at the end of it doesn’t solve one problem for one person.”

The trouble for Rubio began soon after the debate started when the ABC News moderators asked Christie about Rubio’s experience in the U.S. Senate, and Christie pressed his case.

Rubio critics have made much of the fact that his experience is akin to that of much-derided Democratic President Barack Obama, elected in 2008 when a first-term senator.

Rubio’s defense was that his and Obama’s world views are different, not that Obama has simply led the country down the path it is on because of inexperience.

“Let’s dispel with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing,” Rubio said.

When Rubio repeated the same line again, Christie sought to reinforce the charge that Rubio is so inexperienced that he relies on well-worn talking points and cannot think on his feet.

“There it is. There it is. The memorized 25-second speech. There it is, everybody,” Christie said.

Rubio repeated the line enough that someone created a Twitter profile called

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

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