
Hillary Clinton is Feeling The Bern

With Bernie Sanders increasing his lead over Clinton in New Hampshire and overtaking her in Iowa, Hillary Clinton is frantically  doing the media talk show blitz at an alarming rate. Her goal? To tell everyone that all is well. No need to worry, she got this!

In other words it’s safe to say that Hillary Clinton is Feeling The Bern

Clinton played notoriously hard-to-get during the first phase of her campaign — so much so that it was considered breaking news when she agreed to a sit-down interview with CNN.

But over the past 10 days, she has appeared no fewer than nine times on five major networks — CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and MSNBC, including live three morning-show appearances Wednesday. The former secretary of state has averaged one interview a day since Friday, Jan. 8, when she called into MSNBC’s “Hardball.” Three days earlier, she also appeared in an extensive sit-down interview with “Hardball” host Chris Matthews. And the appearances don’t seem to be slowing down: She’ll appear on NBC’s “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon” and sit down with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Thursday, all at the same time her campaign looks to get a boost amid sagging poll numbers.

Before the crack of dawn on Wednesday, Clinton rose to assure George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “Good Morning America” in person that she was not concerned—that, despite Bernie Sanders’ blazing poll numbers, despite the fact that he overtook her in Iowa and opened up a comfortable double-digit lead in New Hampshire, despite the fact Sanders hours earlier had disputed her daughter Chelsea’s assertion that he wanted to scrap Obamacare entirely, despite the fact that the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary are mere weeks away, the Clinton campaign is not sweating the challenge. And then she appeared on NBC’s “Today” with Savannah Guthrie, again rejecting the notion that her campaign is suddenly feeling pressure from Sanders. An hour later, Clinton fielded similar questions from the co-hosts of “CBS This Morning.”

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

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