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Released – Photo of Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson

Yahoo News released this photo and reports that six months before he shot and killed an unarmed teenager, police Officer Darren Wilson earned a commendation for his “extraordinary effort in the line of duty.”

Yahoo News confirmed the award through the February 11 Ferguson City Council meeting minutes and photos Wilson’s father posted to his Facebook page.

“Very proud of my son, Darren Wilson on his receiving a Commendation from his Police Department,” John Wilson wrote on February 11. “Congratulations Son.”

Wilson gunned down an unarmed and retreating Michael Brown in the streets of Ferguson Missouri last weekend.

Higher education Racism

The Ignorant Racists Respond to Obama’s Call for Higher Education – PIC

So the President used his weekly address to call on students and parents to work on achieving higher education and he spoke of ways to make that happen. And just as expected, right on cue, those with the least education among us jumped on YouTube and commented on the president and his message the only way they know how – through racism.

Here is a small segment of the racist ignorance directed to the President’s address on higher education.

Education Higher education weekly address

President’s Weekly Address – The Ability To Afford Higher Education

President Obama used his weekly address to talk about the start of a new school year and the importance of preparing for an education beyond high school.

Said the president;

And so today, I want to talk directly with students and parents about one of the most important things any of you can do this year — and that’s to begin preparing yourself for an education beyond high school.

We know that in today’s economy, whether you go to a four-year college, a community college, or a professional training program, some higher education is the surest ticket to the middle class. The typical American with a bachelor’s degree or higher earns over $28,000 more per year than someone with just a high school diploma. And they’re also much more likely to have a job in the first place – the unemployment rate for those with a bachelor’s degree is less than one-third of the rate for those without a high school diploma.

But for too many families across the country, paying for higher education is a constant struggle. Earlier this year, a young woman named Elizabeth Cooper wrote to tell me how hard it is for middle-class families like hers to afford college. As she said, she feels “not significant enough to be addressed, not poor enough for people to worry [about], and not rich enough to be cared about.”


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