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Republican Congressional Candidate – “I’d rather see another terrorist attack” than deal with TSA

Bob Johnson

Everyone, please be quiet. Sit down and have a seat. Another Republican “Patriot” has something to say.

Ladies and gentlemen, your American “patriot” today is Bob Johnson of Savannah Georgia,  who incidentally is running for Congress in the Republican primary.

Bob dislikes the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) so much,  that he would rather see another terrorist attack in the United States than dealing with the airport security system.

Take it away “Patriot!”

“The TSA is doing something really profound. They’re indoctrinating generations of Americans to walk through a line and be prodded and probed by uniformed personnel, agents of the government, like sheep.

“Now this is going to sound outrageous: I’d rather see another terrorist attack — truly I would — than to give up my liberty as an American citizen. Give me liberty or give me death. Isn’t that what Patrick Henry said at the founding of our Republican — or, republic.

“People are saying, ‘Now everyone wants security before anything else. I want a perfectly safe flight.’ You’re not going to have it. We’re going to have jack-boot uniformed people in our backyards.”

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

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