ObamaCare Politics

Obamacare Enrollment Surpasses The 6 Million Mark

wpid-2014-03-27-15-51-07 Obamacare Enrollment Surpasses The 6 Million Mark

WASHINGTON — More than 6 million people have enrolled in the federal and state health exchanges as of Thursday, President Obama announced this afternoon.

This means the administration has met its latest goal, as projected by the Congressional Budget Office, to ensure the insurance system is sustainable.
Obama made the announcement on a conference call with health care navigators and volunteers while he was traveling in Italy. He thanked them for their help.

The latest milestone comes after the troubled opening of the federal exchange Oct. 1. Software problems and other issues rendered the site virtually unusable for weeks, and it took a surge of technology support to have it fixed by Nov. 30. Since then, however, enrollments have risen dramatically, particularly as the Dec. 31 and March 31 deadlines approached.

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

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