Domestic Policies Politics

Government Closed (In Need of Repair)

It’s been 17-years since the Government decided to Shutdown and, low and behold, a Democrat was in the White House. Bill Clinton was in his Final Term when the Republicans decided to put hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work and turn a prosperous economic outlook into a spiraling plunge downwards.

I watched a great deal of cable news shows on September 30th with some calling the looming Government failure, ‘The Shutdown Countdown’. On one side of the picture-in-picture view was the clock was ticking. The other view showed Congress Members PRETENDING to be negotiating a deal to keep the Government at work.

I say PRETENDING because newly appointed and anointed Pointman, Sen. Ted Cruz –Texas (R), gave the marching orders in a 21-hour Dr. Seuss laden FULLA-buster to the House and Senate, to shutdown the Government unless President Obama relinquished the Obamacare LAW or delay it for a year along with other Tea Party and Republican mandates written into their budgetary plans.

In holding the Nation Hostage, the Republicans caved to the new face of Their party and shut the government down. An estimated 800,000 federal employees are going to be furloughed and around $200-$300 million a day will be lost.

Back in 2011, when faced with this same dilemma of a government shutdown, Republican Speaker of the House, John Boehner stated it would be More costly to shut down the government than to keep it operating. Well, it appears he and the rest of his Republican cohorts don’t care about the cost or the lives of millions who will be affected.

Jobs have been held at bay and lives have been disrupted. And now the economy will take another hit. The Stock Market, which had been on the upswing for months, will definitely stall and fall. With all the recent positive momentum in the economy, jobs and housing, Republicans are determined to eliminate them all in one cowardice swoop, all in the name of Destroying a President.

In hindsight, this may have been the plan all along.

This whole Obstructionistic Movement began when President Barack Obama was elected in 2008. Mitch McConnell, Republican Senate from Kentucky, made the declaration during President Obama’s First Term that their main focus was to make Obama a one-term President. They Failed. But while they attempted to obstruct and undermine President Obama in his First Term, Obama passed key legislation such as the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, 2009, Wall Street Reform in 2010 and of course, The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare –named ‘affectionately’ by the Republican critics), 2010 just to name a few.

While the president made all these improvements, the Republican members of Congress in both the House and Senate, have done Zero in the way of Progress. No Jobs Bills which was supposedly their platform when Mitt Romney was running against the President in 2012. Immigration Reform is a distant memory… again. Gun control is a Non Subject. Equal pay and minimum wage increases aren’t even uttered on the Senate floor. But what is? Benghazi, the NSA scandal, IRS scandal, Syria’s near war moment, Impeaching the President, etc.

On the surface, it appears the only thing the Republican and Tea Party members of congress are doing is stalling out this term of the Presidency. Their aim is to tarnish Obama’s Legacy, obstruct his every move and disallow any positive progression this country had established.

In reality, that’s what they are doing. In their HATRED for 1 Man, they’ve decided to shutdown the Government hoping Americans will blame this President for their despicable and deplorable decision.

With misinformation and lies, the Republicans and Tea Party have injected their base with the very venom that the King’s of Hate have hoped for. The Hannity’s, the O’Reilly’s, the Limbaugh’s have finally galvanized a movement and their small coalition of hate minions is wreaking havoc on millions nationwide.

The Tea Party/Republican actions are a gamble by them but their ardent supporters are applauding them richly. From the folks on Fox News to their support group, they bkame the President and the Democratic Party. But when you look at what the Republican base has done, it causes one to ponder the mind and the heart of the Republican Party. Cutting the Food Stamp Program, the SNAP Program, attempting still to place Medicare on a Voucher Program and more. It’s not just Obamacare, it’s that they JUST DON’T CARE!

This Shutdown of Government is proof. Holding a country hostage because they don’t like the President or Obamacare is not the way to run a Government…unless the goal is to run the Government in the ground.

Congratulations #TeaGOP; you’re succeeding in that.

Frankly, I’m Fed Up with the Hatred! I’m Fed Up with the 5 ½ years of Obstruction. I’m Fed Up with the Extremism in our Government nationally and locally. I’m Fed Up with the cuts to Programs that help the Masses and will affect Millions. I’m Fed Up with theis Republican party changing Voting Rights, affecting Women’s Rights, Students Rights, Elderly Rights, Veterans, Teachers, Minorities, etc. I’m SO Fed Up that I’m on a Mission to spread the word to Friends, Family, Co-Workers, Church Members – VOTE! The only way we can change the playing field is to Vote out Extremism, Vote Out Obstructionism, VOTE OUT HATE!

If you don’t like it, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! VOTE!

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By Tony L. Blackwell

Happily Married Father w/ a Daughter on her way to College. Sports Fanatic, Follower of Politics, Lover of Truth But I Despise Racism, Bigotry and Those Who Won't Stand Up For All of Us instead of the 47%.

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