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5 Reasons Working With Computers Is Bad For You & How to Stay Healthy

Working on the computer may sound like the most relaxed job in the world, but it’s quite the contrary. It’s very tough on your body, which is not used to this modern type of work.

Sitting has long been known to cause back pain and negatively influence circulation, which can promote cardiovascular disease. Extensive use of the keyboard and mouse can lead to stiffening of the muscles in your hands, arms, and neck, as well as inflammation and injuries. Staring at a bright screen for too long can cause dry eyes and headaches. Finally, computer work can be stressful, isolating, and lead to depression and anxiety. In other words, working on the computer is as unhealthy a job as you can imagine.

Let me show you what exactly the culprits are and how you can avoid and fix them.

Sitting Kills You

Whether you do in front of the computer, the TV, or while reading a book, sitting for long stretches of time is a very serious health risk! While sitting, your blood isn’t circulating, your back experiences a steady stress, you are more likely to drink and eat stuff that isn’t good for you, and you burn very little calories, making it more likely that you overeat. As a result,sitting contributes to a host of conditions, most notably gaining weight, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and consequently a shortened life span.


Sitting is perfectly good and normal. It’s just when you do it excessively that it turns into a major health risk. So try to loosen it up and play with alternatives. Here is a list of things you should do:

Bad Posture Causes Pain

Bad posture is not necessarily a consequence of sitting. You can develop bad posture from anything you do habitually, whether it’s sitting, standing, or walking. Your daily activities have an impact on your body and shape your muscles; they either tighten or become weak. The typical consequences associated with bad posture while working on the computer are pain in the back, shoulder, and neck, often resulting in tension headaches.


  • Do everything recommended above to combat sitting-related health risks, especially taking frequent breaks and stretching.
  • Self-massage your back and neck.
  • Set up your monitor ergonomically; the top edge should be at eye level, the display should be at arms length from your face and angled slightly backward.
  • Get an ergonomic office chair or maybe an exercise ball to support and strengthen your lower back.
  • Work on a healthy sitting posture; apparently leaning back is actually best for your back.

Repetitive Movements Cause Injuries

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is caused by continual physical movements that damage tendons, nerves, muscles, and other soft body tissues. This is actually a severe form of bad posture that most frequently affects the hands and leads to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.


  • As above, take frequent breaks and stretch.
  • Adjust your posture to reduce strain on your wrists.
  • Consciously keep your hands and arms relaxed.
  • Use very little force when you use the mouse or keyboard.
  • Make sure your hands are warm.

Staring At The Screen Causes Eye Strain

Staring at a bright screen for hours can lead to eye fatigue or eye strain, headaches, blurred vision, burning, itching or tearing eyes, and temporary vision disorders. Fortunately, eye strain rarely results in a permanent condition and symptoms can be prevented or cured rather easily.


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