EPA House republicans Politics

Before Skipping Town For Their Next Vacation, House Republicans Tried to Kill The EPA

WASHINGTON — House lawmakers skipped out of town on Friday until after the November elections, but not before pushing through a sweeping anti-environmental package that has no chance of becoming law.

Republican leaders teed up the Stop The War On Coal Act, H.R. 3409, as their last vote before lawmakers hit the campaign trail full time. It passed 233 to 175, with 19 Democrats joining nearly all House Republicans in voting for it.

Despite its title, the bill isn’t just about the coal industry: it repackages four previously passed House GOP bills, plus adds in another one, aimed at blocking carbon pollution standards. Specifically, the package would eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency’s clean car standards, nullify the EPA’s mercury and air toxic standards, weaken the Clean Water Act and block efforts to reduce damage from coal mining.

The bill already has a White House veto threat on it, and there’s no chance it would move in the Senate, but Republicans went ahead and passed it anyway.

Mitt Romney money Politics

Mitt Romney – My Wealth and Fame Makes Me Very Happy – Video

After trashing 47% of Americans earlier this week by calling them “victims” and suggesting that these Americans are unwilling to care for themselves, another video featuring Mitt Romney is making its rounds on the internet. This video shows Mitt Romney, explaining how privilege he is to be rich.

Said Romney;

When I was a boy, when I was a boy I used to think that becoming rich and becoming famous would make me happy. And boy was I right.

With that statement, Mitt Romney laughed, thanked the audience and exited the podium.

Earlier in the week, another video was released featuring Mr. Romney. In that video, Romney is seen speaking at a private fundraiser, telling his fellow millionaire donors, “my job is not to worry about those people.” Those people, are the 47% Romney criticized earlier in his speech, calling them poor and dependent on the government for food and shelter.

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