Mitt Romney Politics taxes

Harry Reid – “For All We Know, Mitt Could Be One of The 47%” Who Pays No Taxes

Democratic Senate Leader Harry Reid took to the Senate floor today and renewed his call for Mitt Romney to release his taxes. Using Romney’s own words that 47% of Americans pay no taxes, Reid said;

“For all we know, Mitt Romney could be one of those who have paid no federal income tax,” he said. “Thousands of families making more than $1 million pay nothing in federal income taxes each year. Is Mitt Romney among those?”

“We’ll never know,” Reid concluded, “since he refuses to release tax returns from the years before he was running for president.”

Mitt Romney Politics

Peggy Noonan Sees The Light – “Mitt, This Isn’t Working”

Peggy Noonan, another respected voice in the Republican establishment is using that voice to let her party know that Mitt Romney isn’t working. Noonan voiced her opinion on the Romney debacle that is his campaign, and his recent statement that 47% of Americans are moochers.

“My goodness,” Peggy wrote in the Wall Street Journal, “that’s a lot of people who won’t vote for you. You wonder how he gets up in the morning.” Ms Noonan continued;

Republicans are going to have to right this thing. They have to stabilize it.

It’s time to admit the Romney campaign is an incompetent one. It’s not big, it’s not brave, it’s not thoughtfully tackling great issues. It’s always been too small for the moment. All the activists, party supporters and big donors should be pushing for change. People want to focus on who at the top is least constructive and most responsible. Fine, but Mitt Romney is no puppet: He chooses who to listen to. An intervention is in order. “Mitt, this isn’t working.”

Mrs Noonan has joined a long list of Republicans who are voicing their displeasure in Romney’s loosing efforts to win the White House.  Scott Brown and Linda McMahon recently distanced themselves from Romney, and last week, other Republicans including radio personality Laura Ingraham did the same.

It is now left to see if Romney’s billionaire supporters who were actively trying to purchase the White House for their candidate continue throwing money at the flawed candidate.

Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney Explains Using American Hostage Crisis or Dead Americans for Political Gain

Four Americans were recently killed in a terrorist attack in Libya. Before the terrorists even fired their rocket-propelled grenade into the Embassy that housed the Americans, Romney was issuing a statement blaming President Obama’s policy for the attack. It was a political move by Mitt Romney and he gained much criticism from Democrats and Republicans for injecting himself into an ongoing national security issue… an unprecedented move on his part.

And now, thanks to a newly released recording that shows Romney saying some very disparaging things about 47% of Americans, we can now understand why Romney chose to politicize the events in Libya. To put it simply, Mitt Romney would say or do anything to further his own political ambitions, even if it means doing so on the backs of dead Americans.

Around the 4 minute mark of the now infamous recording, Romney explains that if given a chance, he would jump at the opportunity to use an American hostage crisis or a situation where Americans died to gain favorability. At the fundraiser where the recording took place, a question was asked about foreign policy and the discussion gradually went to the hostage crisis in 1980. That is when Romney said this;

 “And yet, in that election, in the Jimmy Carter election, the fact that we had hostages in Iran, I mean, that was all we talked about. And we had the two helicopters crash in the desert, I mean, that was the focus, and so him [Reagan] solving that made all the difference in the world.

I’m afraid today that if you simply got Iran to agree to stand down on nuclear weapons, they’d go, ‘Now hold on. It’s really a…‘ I mean, if something of that nature presents itself I will work to find a way to take advantage of the opportunity.”

In other words, what happened in Libya was looked upon by Mitt Romney and his advisers as “a way to take advantage of the opportunity.” Americans died in Libya and even after that fact was known, Romney continued doubling down on his false claim that the President’s foreign policy was somehow responsible.

At a time when America is under attack by foreign forces, the last thing this nation needs is a politician who use those attacks as a way to “take advantage of the opportunity” in an effort to “get the focus.”


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