Politics weekly address

Republicans Insist – We Will Raise Taxes On The Middle Class If The Rich Can’t Get A Tax Cut

President Obama used this week’s presidential address to continue his push on Congressional Republicans who are determined on raising taxes on the middle class come January.

Republicans have said, once again, that they will not cut taxes for hardworking middle class Americans if their friends in the richest 2% can’t get their taxes cut as well.

The President:

Now it comes down to this: If 218 Members of the House vote the right way, 98% of American families and 97% of small business owners will have the certainty of knowing that their income taxes will not go up next year.

But right now, that’s not the case.  Instead of doing what’s right for middle class families and small business owners, Republicans in Congress are holding these tax cuts hostage until we extend tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.

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