
Dennis Kucinich Providing Talking Points For Republicans

gadaffi_p-300x266 Dennis Kucinich Providing Talking Points For Republicans

Dennis Kucinich, the Democratic Congressman from Ohio is unhappy with President Obama, and he has been unhappy for some time now. Mr. Kucinich has accused President Obama of bypassing Congress, and engaging in what he calls, a war on Libya. Mr. Kucinich is so mad at the President, he’s even floated the idea of impeachment.

But once Kucinich had a chance to see the process play out in Libya, and the potential overthrow of a dictator who has murdered countless innocent people living in his country including some Americans, one would think Kucinich would have a change of heart and realize that getting rid of Gaddafi is for the best. But one would be wrong to think that.

Dennis Kucinich is still upset about the actions in Libya and he is now calling for the NATO generals to be held accountable for ending Qadhafi’s reign of terror.

Kucinich wrote;

NATO’s top commanders may have acted under color of international law but they are not exempt from international law. If members of the Gaddafi Regime are to be held accountable, NATO’s top commanders must also be held accountable through the International Criminal Court for all civilian deaths resulting from bombing. Otherwise we will have witnessed the triumph of a new international gangsterism.

A little history about Gadaffi

Through the 1970s and 1980s Gaddafi supported terrorism against the United States and Western nations. In 1987 he was caught red-handed ordering terror attacks that killed American servicemen in Germany; he also supported the IRA in its murder campaign in Great Britain. Finally, the 1988 Lockerbie bombing that killed 270 innocents from 21 nations was carried out by a Libyan agent.

In the 1988 aircraft bombing 189 Americans lost their lives. A further 43 UK citizens were murdered. There are more than 200 reasons for getting Gaddafi out of power and, if he survives, to put him on trial for his many outrages.

The people of Libya requested NATO’s intervention. They are on a mission to save their own lives from a madman who proved time and again that killing is a major part of his resume. Dennis Kucinich needs to set his brand of politics aside and realize the magnitude of what’s happening in Libya and the lives being saved. And he also needs to stop giving Republicans their next dumb talking points.

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

10 replies on “Dennis Kucinich Providing Talking Points For Republicans”

I'm glad Gaddafi is gone, but it does trouble me that there is no alternative government – the rebels there, as in the other Middle Eastern countries were right to rebel, but I wish they made plans first as to what to replace the dictators with. Otherwise, the door remains open for new dictators.

I see the thousands killed because of NATO and the outright stealing of natural resources once he's gone. I don't defend Gaddafi, but what comes next isn't the "freedom" NATO promises.

bull shit. It's all a power land grab for oil and domination in the Middle East and North Africa by America, England and France under the guise of NATO pretending to be angels for freedom. It's zionist/corporate domination. Gaddafi just makes it easy.

Presidents should not be allowed to ignore the law and must be held accountable whether the engagement was moral or immoral. There is a very good reason presidents are not allowed to unilaterally engage in war. We all recall what happened under Bush and the effects it has had on the economy and morale, not to mention the numerous civilian deaths in the Middle East and troop casualties.

After Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt obtained a declaration of war from Congress to enter WWII. In Vietnam, no such declaration was ever obtained and the results were horrifying. There is no reason why a modern president cannot follow that protocol when it involves killing other human beings. People need to stop treating war as if it were an everyday event. The amount of desensitization in this country when it comes to war is phenomenal…it's horrifying.

I think that we must be cautious to dismiss the morality of unilaterally engaging in war just because the arguments are regarded as "talking points for Republicans." Quite honestly, I would be happy to provide all the "Republican talking points" in the world if I felt like it was the right thing to do. Obviously what I am saying here is a bit different than the Kucinich quote above, but we should not dismiss ideas just because there is a Democrat in office. Executive power is greater than it has ever been, and Obama has continued much of the Bush Doctrine, something we thought would be relegated to the past after the 2008 election.

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