
Sluts Don’t Want Slutty Friends

Branden Lee is a blogger, screenwriter, producer, and actor, currently residing in Boston, MA. Follow Branden on Twitter and Tumblr.

A recent Jezebel article profiled a Cornell College of Human Ecology study called “Birds of a Feather? Not When It Comes to Sexual Permissiveness“.  In this study 721 co-ed students were asked to rate their feelings regarding promiscuity between males and females.

The study showed that both men and women that considered themselves to be slutty/promiscuous would rather not have friends that are also slutty/promiscuous.

The reasoning for men with many sexual partners not wanting to befriend other men with a high count of sexual partners is because they don’t trust the other guy around their partner.

The reasoning for promiscuous girls not wanting to befriend fellow promiscuous girls is because it’s not socially acceptable to be friends with known harlots.

Such slut shaming!

Well if you know you’re a moral-less skank who can’t be trusted around other people’s men, you wouldn’t want another moral-less skank who can’t be trusted around other’s people’s men anywhere near your own man.

I consider myself a promiscuous boy, and I have tons of fantastic long-lasting relationships with many promiscuous women. There’s something about being an only child that makes you more likely to become a slut. But with my girlfriends, I’m gay and they’re straight so of course we don’t have to worry about poaching each other’s men, though I do tend to mainly attract bisexual guys and guys with girlfriends….

But if there is one moral code I will never break, it’s never to hookup with a guy who’s been with someone I consider to be a friend. Plus that’s gross. I don’t want any penis that’s been inside one of my friends inside of me. Enemies may be a different story. I once almost hooked up with someone else’s boyfriend just because they didn’t accept my friend request on Facebook.

I don’t have many gay friends, probably because they don’t want to befriend a known morally corrupt Jezebel, but my very best gay friend is also a slut, and we don’t have to worry about the other trying to steal each other’s men. I don’t like old guys, and he doesn’t like fat guys.  Although every guy he’s been with has hooked up with one of his “friends”.

Some sluts can’t be trusted…but we’re all not that bad.

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