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Paul Ryan Cannot Say How Many People Will Lose Healthcare – Video

Republicans are repealing Obamacare and millions of Americans will be left without healthcare once again. I guess this is their idea of “Making America Great Again!”

House Speaker and vocal proponent of the repeal and replace process, Paul Ryan, was asked to comment on home many people would lose their healthcare under the proposed GOP plan. Ryan could not answer.

“I can’t answer that question,” Ryan told CBS News’s “Face the Nation,” when asked how many people will lose healthcare coverage. “It’s up to people.”

“Here’s the premise of your question: Are you going to stop mandating people buy health insurance? People are going to do what they want to do with their lives because we believe in individual freedom in this country.”

The GOP last week unveiled two measures to repeal and replace ObamaCare. While the new plan would get rid of some components of ObamaCare, it would keep other parts in place.


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