Movie Movies

Real Life Afghan Villager Who Saved “Lone Survivor” Now Facing Death Threats

lone-survivor Real Life Afghan Villager Who Saved "Lone Survivor" Now Facing Death Threats

It is a great movie – Lone Survivor. I sat on the edge of my seat and watched  in horror as the events unfold, this Navy Seal fighting for his life against a group of Taliban fighters and the tremendous obstacles he faced trying to stay alive. Out of the four Navy Seals who ventured out on this special mission, only one survived and he survived only because of the help of an Afghan villager.

The movie is based on true events. The lone survivor is a Navy Seal named Marcus Luttrell and the Afghan who helped save his life is Mohammad Gulab.

Mohammad Gulab’s ordeal began in 2005, when Marcus Luttrell and three fellow Navy SEALs were ambushed by Taliban fighters in Afghanistan. A fierce fight left three dead and Luttrell, the only American survivor, with a broken back and several shrapnel wounds. Luttrell credits Gulab with saving his life, as the Afghan brought the wounded soldier into his home and protected him from the Taliban until US reinforcements arrived.

The scene was depicted in the 2013 movie “Lone Survivor.” Luttrell was also a friend of Chris Kyle, the subject of the new record-smashing movie “American Sniper,” and went through sniper training with him.

Yet although Gulab’s heroism has been depicted on the big screen, life has reportedly been hard for him since saving Luttrell. He has had to leave his hometown and hide from the Taliban, and at one point, he was reportedly attacked and shot in the leg.

Now he wants to come to America, where he believes he will be safer, but his lawyer tells that bureaucracy is making the process difficult and slow. Gulab has said Luttrell offered to help him obtain a green card, but the relationship between the two men appears to have become strained while Gulab was visiting the US last year for the premiere of “Lone Survivor.” When contacted by, Lutrell declined to comment on Gulab or his bid for asylum.

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