
Based On His Made Up Scenerio, This Republican Called for Obama’s Impeachment

This is how easy it is for Republicans and conservatives to call for President Obama’s impeachment. And there calls are usually based on factless emotional outbursts.

Conservative legal activist Larry Klayman warned on Friday that President Obama and his allies “have created a new type of affirmative action where Muslim terrorists have more rights than our own military and our country as a whole,” arguing that the “Mullah in Chief” is siding with terrorists.

“The situation has reached an intolerable point, and it is time to either impeach Obama or find some other legal means to rid the nation of his treasonous and harmful ways,” he wrote in WorldNetDaily.

And as always, no proof is necessary to make his fact less claim. And with that fact less claim, Larry called for Obama’s impeachment.

“Obama must now be held legally accountable for his treason, either through impeachment or some other legal means. The nation finally must be rid of this tyrant, who allows our own best and brightest to be sacrificed at the altar of his Muslim roots and sympathies,” he said.

So impeach Obama because Larry said so.


Right-Wing Nut Writes – “We now have authority to shoot Obama, i.e., to kill him.”

Larry Klayman was recently the topic of one of Chris Matthews segments on Hardball. Klayman is no stranger to hate for President Obama, and recently told a group of Teaparty protesters in Washington that President Obama should “surrender and come out with his hands in the air.”

Klayman, and others like him, use eliminationist rhetoric with no regard for who they might inspire. Here’s apost from Facebook taking Klayman a few giant steps further (and yes, the Secret Service is on it). It says, in part:

We now have authority to shoot Obama, i.e., to kill him. His willful violations and alienation of our Constitution, constant disregard for our peaceful protests and corruption of all the three branches of government, (i.e., rogue and illegitiimate government), reveal the dictator that he is.

This isn’t the first assassination threat posted on social media and it won’t be the last. Mr. Wilhelmsen is a militia man, a self-proclaimed good Christian who is standing up for his country while he calls for the assassination of our President just days ahead of the 50-year observance of the anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s assassination.

I get the first amendment, free speech, yea I get it. But when a nut is inciting other nuts to “kill” the president, then that nut has clearly crossed the line and has given up his freedom.

Again, the Secret Service is on it.

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