
Former Army Colonel Confesses He’s Very Concerned about America’s World Relations

You got Vladimir Putin and Russia saying that relations between the U.S and Russia is at an all time low. You got Donald Trump authorizing 60 missiles dropped in Syria, you got another massive bomb called, The Mother of All Bombs raining down in Afghanistan and you got Donald Trump and North Korea threatening nuclear destruction. And all this is happening within Trump’s first 100 days in office.

Put all that together and you have a recipe for global destruction, a time that concerns a seasoned veteran of U.S foreign affairs history.

“I’ve been through the Cuban missile crisis, I’ve been through the Bay of Pigs before that, Vietnam War, the two Iraq wars and so forth,” Former Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson told MSNBC. “And I’ve got to tell you, though, I’ve never been so concerned, as I am now, for the state of this country and world relations.”


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