
Beyonce Admits She Lip Synced At Obama’s Inauguration – Video

Her reason?

“Due to the weather, due to the delay, due to no proper sound check, I did not feel comfortable taking a risk. It was about the president and the inauguration. I wanted to make him and my country proud,” she said. “I decided to sing along to my pre-recorded track, which is very common in the music industry.”

Beyonce started her Superbowl news conference with the singing of the National Anthem. At the end of her singing, she asked “any question?”

The first question was about her performance at the inauguration, and whether or not she lip synced. She answered, “I am a perfectionist and one thing about me, I practice until my feet bleed and I did not have time to rehearse with the orchestra,” she said, explaining her decision to go with lip synching. “I am very proud of my performance.”


Entertainment National Anthem

Controlling The Message – Beyonce Shows The Rehearsal Pictures

How do you suppress a controversy? You take control of it and the message. That’s exactly what Beyance is trying to do after it was revealed that she lip-sync the national anthem at President Obama‘s second historical inauguration. The famous R&B singer is taking control of this controversy by sharing pictures of her rehearsing the song for all to see.

Nothing to hide here folks… move on.

These pictures are from her Tumblr page.


And This

News satanic cults satanic cults and the music industry

Whom So Ever Shall Conspire Against Us


“Just because you’re paranoid and you think they are after you…doesn’t mean they’re not after you.” 

A healthy dose of suspicion and skepticism never hurt anyone. In fact, you might say that its good for you. If you believe in Einstein’s Theory of Evolution, the human genome would have never made it outside the primordial soup if it hadn’t had a basic hunch (well, as much a hunch as a complex, organic polymer could have) to access the hostilities of a new environment and gradually mutate, adapt and conform to it. Its in our DNA to be suspicious of things that “just don’t smell right.”

Grounded in our primitive nature is the capacity to be wary of the bigger, more powerful among us (predators) conspiring against the weaker, smaller among us (prey). We like to use words like “civilized”  and “cultured” when describing ourselves, but in actuality we use them to convince ourselves that we are no longer the ‘animals’ that we once were. But our Merriam Webster definition of those adjectives do not do much to subdue a compulsion to behave the exact opposite. WE ARE greater than that, but we haven’t as of yet embraced it fully as a group. Watch any episode of Animal Planet and see if some of the behavioral patterns of our fellow creatures seem somehow familiar...

This is not meant to sound harsh, because there’s really nothing for us to be ashamed of. We are what we are after all, and there is only room to evolve even further until we reach our pinnacle, whatever  and wherever that may be.

As mentioned earlier, our base instincts are what keeps us alive in this physical world, so by Human standards a little paranoia is a damn good thing. Read the rest of this entry

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