Republicans Now Bringing Back School Segregation
We"ve all heard the cries from Republicans and Teapartiers claiming that they "want their country back!" Have…
Scott Brown: Cutting All Funding For Planned Parenthood Goes Too Far
One of the ways Republicans propose to bring the budget under control, is the elimination…
Is President Obama’s Military Action In Libya Impeachable?
As Muammar Qadhafi authorized his army and air force to board planes and drop bombs on protesters in his…
There Must Be Meth Addicts In The Republican Congress…
Bill Maher is considered by many on the right as a far left ideologue. But…
Who Are We…Really?
The perception of who we are matters greatly in what comes from ourselves. Whether consciously…
Sarah Palin Starring as The Joker! – Pic
Maybe this is the only real role Sarah Palin should play, and although I'm not…
Ron Paul: Republicans Think They’re Such Great Fiscal Conservatives
Libertarian Ron Paul, who caucuses with the Republicans in Congress, criticized the Republicans push this week to…
Palin Criticizing The President At A Time Of War Is Unpatriotic
We all remember when Republicans and conservatives criticized the patriotism of anyone who talked negatively…
N.P.R. In Republican’s Crosshairs
In a move that is nothing short of attempting to silence any and all political…
The Wrestling Match Between Anthony Weiner, Sean Hannity and Michele Bachmann
You have to hand it to Anthony Weiner, Democratic Representative from New York. He appeared…
Republican Attack On The Air Your Breathe
Okay... all those who are tired of breathing semi-decent air, raise your hands. Now if…
When Money Talks…
So is this really the example that Republican Party leaders want to leave for posterity--the…