Ed Shultz – The Pot Calling The Weiner Black
Fresh off his very own one week suspension for calling Laura Ingraham a “Slut,” Ed Shultz…
Weiner Will Forever Be Remembered As Sending His Covered Weener On Twitter
The unfortunate part of this whole Weiner episode is that now, he will forever be…
What Will You Find If You Google “Santorum?”
Today, another Republican joker pitched his hat in the ring, telling America that he is…
Mitt Romney Believes In Global Warming – Republicans Do Not!
It's just another reason why many Republicans and Conservatives are against the Mitt Romney run…
Wisconsin Republicans Sue Because They Were Wrong
Something must be wrong with these Republicans. It seems that when they do things in…
Weiner Pulls Out… of Scheduled Wisconsin Event
Democratic congressman from New York, Anthony Weiner has had enough, so instead of going to…
Chris Christie – Fiscally Conservative In Words Only, Not Deeds
Chris Christie, the Republican governor of New Jersey - has been much in the news…
Hold Your Laughter – Bachmann Says Democrats Are Afraid Of Her
Okay. This post is not going to be very long. Get this... hold your laughter...…
Transcript Of President Obama’s Memorial Message At Arlington Cemetery
Thank you. Thank you so much. Please be seated. Thank you, Secretary Gates, and thank…
Obama Looking Safer In Wisconsin
Those are not my words, it is actually a new headline coming from a new…
142 Dead In Joplin, But Fox News Concerned About “Obama’s Gum Chewing”
It is quite obvious now that FOX News is not really a news network, and…
Palin Prefers The Smell of Motor Cycle Emissions In The Morning
In another blatant and apparent attempt to pander to the motor-cycle community, Sarah Palin opened her mouth and her foot jumped…