I came across this article by Fred Barnes in The Weekly Standard because I happened to be trolling around right wing…
In case you're wondering exactly why CPAC - The Conservative Political Action Conference - invited Sarah Palin to speak at their yearly circus,…
In what could be said was a blatant attempt to grab the spotlight or just willfully ignorant, Conservative's Queen, Sarah Palin,…
In another blatant and apparent attempt to pander to the motor-cycle community, Sarah Palin opened her mouth and her foot jumped in. Asked by a FOX reporter…
George Will, a conservative who occasionally sees through the Sarah Palin hype, asked a pivotal question on Sunday. Do you really want Sarah…
Sarah Palin, in a weak attempt to get back into the spotlight again, rushed into Madison Wisconsin to deliver a "unions-bad-people-bad-corporations-good"…
We all remember when Republicans and conservatives criticized the patriotism of anyone who talked negatively of the President at a time…
Sarah Palin and the Republicans believe that Government is too big, and should be drastically reduced. And you will be crucified…
I mean really! Why does anyone take Sarah Palin seriously is beyond my pay grade. She again opened her mouth and…
One of the hardest things for me to do is ignore ignorance. And although some have pledge not to cover any…
In another masterfully produced video, Thomas Jefferson encounters the former Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin. Their conversation ranges from the Constitution,…
In his State Of The Union Address, President Obama laid out specific steps to make America competitive again in a global…