
Just When You Think It Can’t Get Worse

Given what we know about the president’s ability to sink lower and lower as the weeks pass, I am hesitant to say that we’ve reached rock bottom in his swampy, immoral, ill-informed, and ignorant administration, but we’re getting close.

This, of course, is not a soothing thought, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Republicans are rebuking him over his unconscionable sell-out of the Kurds, and every day there’s a new revelation in the tar pit of his Ukrainian outrage.

Mick Mulvaney admitted that the president tied American military support to Ukrainian acquiescence to investigating Joe Biden and the wayward computer server that the president believes holds the key to Democratic malfeasance in the 2016 election. Mick took back his words later in the day, but we can always roll the tape. And we have.

The president is going to be impeached. There’s no doubt about that. And there will be a trial in the Senate that even Mitch McConnell can’t ignore, simply because a majority of Americans believe there is evidence that the president did something wrong. As the weeks pass, there will be more evidence, and the old evidence is not going to go away because it’s been verified. So it can only get worse. How much worse is the key detail.

That Trump believes he’s doing a great job will be his undoing, because he obviously believes that he can do no wrong, make no wrong decision, or be held accountable for his actions. He believes that this is all a plot by the Democrats, or those government employees who don’t agree with him. Change American foreign policy with an off-hand comment? Write a letter that a high school junior would be embarrassed to send (and they’ve told me how embarrassed they would be to send such a letter)? Curse your way through a campaign rally? Ignore the Constitution?  Just another day at the White House.

And this business of holding the 2020 G7 summit meeting at Trump’s Doral Hotel in Miami? Tone deaf doesn’t even begin to tell the story, but he doesn’t care and probably doesn’t even see what the fuss might be. It’s Chris Christie on a closed beach. No conflict of interest here, my fellow Americans. It’s terrible.

Our allies are incredulous and are concerned about our trustworthiness and commitment to the stability of the world. We can sign as many bilateral trade agreements as the president wants, but that’s not going to solve the issue of our foreign policy. In fact, I see that as disadvantageous. Our strength, and the strength of democracy in the face of dictators and theocrats, is in our numbers and our alliances. These are under threat.

And have I mentioned that next year is an election? Get registered. Vote.

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By Robert I. Grundfest

I am a teacher, writer, voice-over artist and rationally opinionated observer of American and international society. While my job is to entertain and engage, my purpose is always to start a conversation.

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