Politics Tamir Rice

Report – Cleveland Police Charged 12 Year Old Tamir Rice with “Aggravated Menacing”

Tamir Rice was cut down, killed by Cleveland police before he turned 13 years old. The 12-year-old was shot and killed by police in less than 3 seconds after they encounter the minor in a park. And now, months after they killed the boy, it is being reported the Cleveland police filed charges against Tamir in an apparent attempt to justify killing him.

Cleveland police charged 12-year-old Tamir Rice with “aggravated menacing” and “inducing panic,” according to documents published by the Daily Kos on Wednesday.

The incident report is dated Nov. 29, 2014, a week after Rice was fatally shot by 26-year-old Officer Timothy Loehmann within two seconds of encountering him at a local park. Neither Loehmann nor 46-year-old Officer Frank Garmback, who also responded to the call, administered medical treatment immediately following the shooting.

The document lists a “facsimile firearm” as part of the case narrative. Loehmann killed Rice believing him to be carrying an actual weapon. However, emergency dispatchers were originally told that the Airsoft rifle the boy had with him at the time was “probably fake.” Footage from the scene also shows the officers handcuffing Rice’s sister.


Six Baltimore Officers Indicted in Freddie Gray’s Death – Video

We all watch the last few moments of Freddie Gray’s life in horror as he was handcuffed and tossed into the back of a van by the Baltimore police. In addition to the injuries Mr. Gray received at the hands of police during the arrest process, something terrible happened in the back of the police vehicle that caused irreparable damage to Freddie’s spine. Riots and protests ensued in Baltimore and throughout the nation as people called for justice and today, the Baltimore prosecutor,Marilyn Mosby, announced that six officers were indicted in Freddie’s death.



Soldier tells Jail Guards “I can’t breathe” 20 Times, then Dies – Video

Sgt. James Brown, an active Soldier in the military, died at the hands of jail guards after being restrained in his cell and saying he couldn’t breathe some 20 times.

The incident happened in Texas when the soldier turned himself into authorities on a DWI charge. He was supposed to spend 2 days in jail but when he checked in to serve his time, he never checked out alive.


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