Mike Brown Racism

President Obama on Ferguson and Race Relations – Video

When he appeared on Jimmy Kimmel last week, the President spoke about a number of important issues facing this country today. One of those issues was Ferguson, the recent DOJ report detailing the unbelievable level of racism by the Ferguson Police Department, and the rights of the community to protests and the rights of the police officers to do their job.

“I think that what had been happening in Ferguson was oppressive and objectionable, and was worthy of protest,” the President said. “But there was no excuse for criminal acts… In the same way that you can’t generalize about police officers who do an extraordinarily tough job, overwhelmingly they do it professionally, you can’t generalize about protesters who, it turns out, had some very legitimate grievances.”


Healthcare ObamaCare

Over 16 Million Americans Now Covered By Obamacare

The breakdown: 14.1 million adults insured since Obamacare’s first open-enrollment period which began in October 2013, and 2.3 million young adults aged 19-25 covered on a parent’s plan since the policy took effect in 2010.

The two-page report by the Department of Health and Human Services provides fresh evidence that the still-unpopular law has sharply reversed the trend of Americans losing their coverage. The uninsured rate fell from 20.3 percent to 13.2 percent as of March 4, 2015, a drop of 35 percent.

The reduction in uninsured is steeper among blacks (9.2 percentage points) and Hispanics (12.3 percentage points) than among whites (5.3 percentage points).

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