Healthcare ObamaCare

Republicans – Consistently Wrong about Obamacare – Six Examples

wpid-2014-06-28-19-37-37 Republicans - Consistently Wrong about Obamacare - Six Examples

We’re not keeping count here, that would be like rubbing it in that we were right about Obamacare all along and they were wrong. But there are at least 6, count em, 6 Republican predictions on Obamacare that turned out to be wrong or just boldface lies.

Paul Krugman does the honors.

Here they are:

1. Enrollment will be very low, and

2. Even if people sign up, they won’t pay their premiums.

Reality: Signups exceeded expectations, and the vast majority paid.

3. More people will lose coverage cancelled by Obamacare than gain it.

Reality: Sharp drop in the number of uninsured.

4. Rate shock.

Reality: Like it says, affordable care.

5. Young people not signing up, and death spiral.

Reality: Pretty good demographics.

6. Soaring health costs.

Reality: Health costs are below anyone’s expectations.

It’s quite an impressive track record, actually. And what’s even more impressive is that none of the usual suspects will even consider admitting having been wrong.

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

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