CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Battles With Michele Bachmann Over ObamaCare


The Minnesota Congresswoman went on CNN and had a rather heated discussion with host Wolf Blitzer over ObamaCare and the Republican push to shut down the government.

SIDENOTE: My sympathies go out to Mr. Blitzer for thinking that he was going to get a straight answer from the robot-like-talking-points queen.

In the clip below, Blitzer asked a set of reasonable questions about Obamacare:

  1.  Do you really believe if this law — and it is a law passed by the House, passed by the Senate, signed into law by the president, approved by the Supreme Court — goes into effect that women, seniors, children are going to die?
  2. Don’t you realize that millions and millions of Americans will now have health insurance earlier they didn’t have, health insurance.
  3. Is it good or bad that children can now be on their parents’ health insurance policies until they reach the age of 26?
  4. If you have a pre-existing condition, should you be allowed to buy health insurance?
  5. Should an insurance company be able to deny you insurance coverage?

All great questions. But Bachmann is a master of the Shake and Bake She should be playing basketball with the Minnesota Timberwolves. Bachmann was able to steer clear of any real answers to Blitzer’s questions by sticking to what she does best – the Republican talking points… in other words, she lied her way out of the studio.

See the encounter below.

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Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

7 thoughts on “CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Battles With Michele Bachmann Over ObamaCare

  1. she is the reason why American education needs more funding…educated idiots like her leading other illiterate idiots who have no clue & love emotional partisan rants She is the “educated” version of palin, yet far more gullible, naive and easily led by koch bros, tea party seditionists and other bigots.

  2. What I meant was Wolf did nothing to discount any of Bachman’s points, which he should of, or else why interview her? She just got another platform to air her veiws on CNN’s dime.

  3. if by “held her own” you mean avoiding answering by sticking to talking points, then yea, she sure did.

  4. As much as I dislike Bachmann, she held her own in this interview. Wolf did nothing to counterattack her allegations, other than try and out-talk her. Not a good interview from him.

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