Elections Do Have Consequences, As Seen In Wisconsin
Elections have consequences, and the people of Wisconsin are dealing with the consequences of electing a…
Obama Ordered Secret Report on Egypt Uprising Last August
Seems the Obama Administration had their hand on the pulse of the Egypt uprising since…
Boehner Sheds No Tears For “200,000” Americans Out Of Jobs
"In the last two years, under President Obama, the federal government has added 200,000 new…
Haley Barbour – For Immigration Reform Before He Was Against It
In today's political climate, any Republican in favor of providing a pathway to citizenship for…
Republicans Trying to Legalize Killing Abortion Doctors
If the Republicans in South Dakota gets their way, killing an abortion doctor will be…
Glenn Beck Tells His Followers – Don’t Use Google!
Don't look now, but Glenn Beck has a new conspiracy theory, one that he has…
Auto Bailout Worked – General Motors Shares its Profits with Employees
Most would consider this good news, but those wishing for America's destruction simply for political gains will not…
Bachmann Disappoints Her Fans Again
In a shocking twist, we find out that Michele Bachmann is just another opportunistic politician. Well, maybe…
Sacrificing America’s Future Is The Republican Way
The Republican Party would like Americans to believe they are all for deficit reduction. Of…
South Carolina Wants Their Own Currency… Really!
More Republican foolishness. This time, the people in South Carolina are definitely not getting their money's worth.…
Fox’s Bill O’Reilly Needs A Lesson In Honesty
In the heat of the Health Care battle when all manner of accusations were made…
Fox Employee Confirms – Fox News Makes Stuff Up
We knew this all along. They call themselves a news channel, but what they broadcast…