Sarah Palin Will Be Missing From First Presidential Debate
On the night that the Republican presidential wannabes gather for their first presidential debate, one…
Poll Finds Michelle Obama is Hot, While Sarah Palin is Not!
In a new Quinnipiac University poll released on March 7th, Michelle Obama tops the list of…
The Lesson of Not Taxing The Rich in Hard Economic Times
If history is to be our guide, then why aren't we doing what's already historically…
For The Teaparty, Happy Days Are Here Again!
Although the Republicans took over control of the House of Representatives in November and demanded…
Muslim Man Confronted By Christian Conservatives. Video
Our Constitution demands the freedom of religion in these the United States of America. Are…
Republicans Say Otherwise, But America Is Not Broke!
The protesters are still gathered, the drums are still being beaten, and the chantings were…
Newt Gingrich Is Faking It, Again!
Newt Gingrich is a scam artist. You know, one of those people who sends you an…
Georgia Wants Proof Of Citizenship Mr. President, Or Don’t Land There
It's the lie that just wont stop. Republicans in Gerogia are pushing a bill that…
We Are One – Americans Vs. The Republican Corporate Governors
We are one! We are united. We are Unions. We are Americans. Take away the…
Freedom Of Speech Gives Rights to Hate Church
It's a case that started in the lower courts which awarded the plaintiff, Albert Snyder,…
Republicans Say “It’s All About Jobs,” So They Will Cut 700,000 More
When John Boehner said, "if we lose 200,000 federal jobs, so be it," we listened…
President Obama Changes Position on Health Care Mandates
“Instead of refighting the battles of the last two years, let’s fix what needs fixing…