Eric Cantor Shows Ignorance On How To Do His Job – Video
Eric Cantor doesn't know how laws are made. The number 2 Republican in the House…
Jan Brewer Makes It Illegal For Minorities To Get Abortion Procedures
You want your government small and non-intrusive? Well try this one on for size! Jan…
Americans Losing Faith In The Teaparty
A new CNN poll reveals some shocking details - Americans are wising up to the…
Republican Robin Hoods – Taking From The Poor To Support The Rich
Republicans have long wished for the time when the poor and suffering would move out-of-the-way,…
Transcript of President Obama’s Speech on Libya
Good evening. Tonight, I’d like to update the American people on the international effort that…
Barnum And Bailey Ain’t Got Nothin’ On The G.O.P.
While it's true that just about everybody loves a clown, you sure wouldn't want…
Where Are The Jobs Boehner? Boehner Blames Obama
"Where are the jobs!?" was a question John Boehner asked to anyone who gave him…
Despite Judge’s Hold, Scott Walker Publishes Union Busting Bill
[caption id="attachment_7789" align="aligncenter" width="460" caption="Scott Walker"][/caption] Despite a hold that a judge placed on…
Newt Gingrich – The Flipping Flopper – Video
Tripping over himself in all manner of ways, is Republican hopeful for the 2012 presidential…
Did Someone Lock President Obama Out of The White House? – Video
Who locked the door to the White House? Well seems some are making a big…
Republican Newt Gingrich Give $150,000 To Hate Group
The Associated Press reported this week that Newt Gingrich - the morality standard of the…
Donald Trump the Ultimate Birther? – Video
If Donald Trump ran his businesses the way he's running his presidential campaign, he would…