To The Editor, From Donald “The Birther” Trump
Gail Collins wrote an article back on April 2nd called Donald Trump Gets Weirder, in…
Fox News Network – The Latest Sponsor To Drop Glenn Beck
The announcement came yesterday and Americans breathed a collective sigh of relief. Glenn Beck, will…
Scott Walker Demotes 27 Year Old, And Takes Away His Raise
Yesterday, the news broke that Scott Walker gave the son of one of his donors…
Wisconsin Election Too Close To Call
Who is this Joanne Kloppenburg? Whoever she is, she's giving the Republican incumbent judge in Wisconsin…
Are You On The G.O.P’s Hitlist?
I know it may be quicker to list the groups the GOP are for, but I…
The Young, The Poor, The Blacks And The Stupid
As we near the time for the gathering of soothe sayers, spin doctors and corporate-made shills to throw their…
President Clinton – Birthers Shooting Themselves In The Foot
President Bill Clinton, one of the 43 previous men who carried the banner of President…
Shutting Down The Government For Teaparty Bragging Rights
John Boehner, the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives had this to say at…
Republicans Say Boehner Created 216,000 Jobs In March
The recent employment figures show 216,000 jobs were created in March, allowing the unemployment rate…
Republican’s Next Target – American Association of Retired Persons
Since gaining power in the House of Representatives, Republicans have attacked just about every major…
Oh! Those Poor Poor Billionaire Republicans
The Daily Kos features a graph showing industry growth under the last three presidents -…