Dennis Kucinich vs Scott Walker–Who Won?
Last time we heard about Dennis Kucinich, the Democratic Congressman was questioning whether or not…
Republicans Are Masters of The Game
It is an obvious game of chicken and well-played by the Republicans. The object of…
Corporations Don’t Need A Conscience…They Have Your Leaders
Take a few minutes out of your day to keep it real. Be honest, we've…
New Poll Finds Americans Have Soured On The Republicans
Call it buyer's remorse, a recall on faulty merchandise. Or call it a demand for a refund due…
President Obama’s Remarks on Fiscal Responsibility
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. (Applause.) Please have a seat. Please have a seat,…
As They Agree To Cut $38.5 Billion From Budget, Debt Grew By $54.1 Billion
CS News picked up on this. On March 30th, before any agreement on budget cutting…
Jan Brewer’s Racist Law Voted Down… Again
Jan Brewer, the governor of Arizona who fought tooth and nail to make her racial…
Here’s Why President Obama Can’t Show His Birth Certificate
With all the new Birther attention drummed up by Donald Trump, one would be wise…
Bill Cosby To Donald Trump: Either Run or Shut Up
Words of wisdom coming from America's favorite sitcom dad. Bill Cosby appeared on Good Day…
Today’s Worst Person – Our Favorite Orange, John Boehner
Keith Olberman... yes, that Keith Olbermann - has been keeping up on the nonsense that…
Obviously, Trump’s A Bag Of Rocks
Obviously he's meant to be a distraction. And obviously he has no intention of running…
No Specifics, But Hate Group Demands President Be Impeached
In the same style that has become the norm with today's Republican party,--and that is…