More Wisconsin Republicans Added to Recall List
The count is now up to four. That's how many petitions have been filed to…
Jan Brewer Kills Birther Bill In Arizona
We didn't think she had it in her. But today, Jan Brewer vetoed a bill…
Conservatives Accuse Glen Beck of Stealing Material
Crazy is crazy, no matter where it comes from. It is, and will always be,…
President Obama Slams Ryan’s Budget… Again!
After President Obama presented his speech on reducing the federal debt, Republicans went on a…
Racist Republican Email Depicts Obama As An Ape
You will have to check a calendar to believe the year is 2011, because if…
Donald Trump Lies. Is Donald Even His Name?
No one with common sense takes Donald Trump seriously, but being the noisiest wheel that he is,…
The Wheels Fell Off The Sarah Palin Bus In Madison Wisconsin
Sarah Palin, in a weak attempt to get back into the spotlight again, rushed into…
Donald Trump: “I’m A Liberal On This One…!”
Back when all American presidents were automatically considered "American" because... they just were, and no…
Republican Presidents Add More To The Debt Than Democratic Presidents Do
Something we already knew, but now the record proves it. Republican presidents run up debts,…
Arizona Needs To Know What A Presidential Candidate’s Penis Looks Like
Great! Just when you thought it was safe to go to Arizona, the Birthers officially…
Jon Kyl Deletes His Lie From Congressional Record
It's as if it never happened. The outrageous claim by Republican Senator Jon Kyl last…
President Obama Caught On Open Microphone Talking About Republicans
President Obama was caught on an open microphone making some very interesting remarks about the…