Why Blacks Left The Republican Party
Simply put: Because the party that was once crucial in the emancipation of African Americans,…
Obama: Don’t Subsidize Yesterday’s Energy, Invest In Tomorrow’s
Instead of subsidizing yesterday’s energy sources, we need to invest in tomorrow’s. We need to…
On Earth Day, More “Christians” Attack Environmentalists
Let's look at the meaning of the word Environmentalist. According to the dictionary, an environmentalist…
After Robbing The Middle Class, Republicans Want Us To Donate Cash
The short-sighted freshmen Republican congressmen were so blinded by the euphoria of robbing the middle…
Michael Steele Fails To Convince Former Republicans That G.O.P Cares
I'm usually not a big fan of Ed Shultz. I know his passion for the…
John Ensign To Resign From Senate Over Ethics Violation
Senator John Ensign. Do we need to say more? We can end this post right…
Total Recall – Another Wisconsin Republican To Be Recalled
Earlier in the week, we reported that petitions were already filed to repeal four Republican…
Glenn Beck To Mike Huckabee – I Challenge You To A Duel
__ My dear sir, I challenge you to a duel! These words most easily explain what is…
Paul Ryan Can’t Explain His Trickle Down Economics To The Voters
Republican Paul Ryan is able to go on television and proclaim the myth that taking…
President Obama’s Facebook Townhall Meeting – Video
President Obama appeared today at an event sponsored by Facebook. In case you missed it,…
In Four Months, Republicans Introduced 916 Bills Against Women’s Right To Choose
It's almost an unbelievable figure - 916. That's the amount of legislation that Republicans introduced…
Michele Bachmann To Birthers: Move On. End Of Story!
Michele Bachmann appeared on Good Morning America and was asked about Donald Trump and the…