To Shame Our President Is To Shame Our Nation – Video
A very emotional response to the unbelievable disrespect that the most powerful man in the world, the…
Steven Colbert Disects Romney’s Peacetime Statement. Video
Mitt Romney recently made a statement that caused his opponents to question whether the Republican presidential wanna-be…
Rand Paul To Donald Trump: Are You A Registered Republican?
“I’ve come to New Hampshire today because I’m very concerned,” Rand Paul, the freshman Teaparty…
Lawrence O’Donnell – “Orly Taitz Is A Crazy Person” – Video
The crazy woman who started the whole Birther movement, Orly Taitz, appeared on The Lawrence…
Nicole Sandler Arrested For Asking Questions At Town Hall Meeting
Who would have thought attending an event as American as apple pie, could wind up…
Is Barack Obama And The Black Community At Odds?
Recently, I wrote a article on this blog titled 'Why Blacks Left The Republican Party'…
Poll Finds Almost 40% Don’t Believe Donald Was Born In The U.S. A
You can't make this stuff up. A new USA Today/Gallop poll finds that almost 40%…
President Obama To Birthers – Grow Up Already – Transcript
THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Now, let me just comment, first of all, on the fact…
Birtherism Continues Even After Official Document Is Released
World Net Daily, the conservative website that contributed heavily to spreading the birther conspiracy, found…
Obama Issues Official Long Form Birth Certificate
It's official...again. Two years after President Obama first released the official birth certificate approved by…
Jan Brewer Officially Falls Off The Birther Bandwagon
Jan Brewer appeared on CNN this week to discuss her veto of the latest attempt…
The Most Raucous Town Hall Yet, Against A Republican
This town hall by Republican Representative Dan Webster is being considered by most as the…