Gingrich Campaign Is Financially Busted
ATLANTA --Newt Gingrich's presidential campaign is more than $1 million in debt, according to his…
Russell Simmons To The Rich – Stop Bitching, Pay Your Damn Taxes
Republicans have shown time and time again during these negotiations on raising the debt ceiling,…
Ted Kennedy’s Warning About Republican Mitt Romney
From beyond the grave, Ted Kennedy is educating Americans about the Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt…
Jon Stewart And Jerry Seinfeld – Is Marcus Bachmann Gay?
Okay, I'll admit it. Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes, you can watch someone's…
Sarah Palin to G.O.P – “Do not Retreat… It’s Time To Reload!”
In what could be said was a blatant attempt to grab the spotlight or just…
Lindsey Graham Blames His Fellow Congressional Republicans
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina has a message for his Republican friends in…
Moody’s Place America’s Triple A Ratings On Notice For Downgrade
And so it begins. The triple A(Aaa) ratings that America has enjoyed since 1917 was…
Mitch McConnell – “I Refuse To Help Barack Obama Get Re-Elected!”
For the 3 people in the entire world, who think Mitch McConnell is sincerely trying…
Mitch McConnell Raised The White Flag On The Debt Ceiling…Or Did He?
When President Obama earlier stated that "nothing is agreed upon until everything is agreed upon",…
Michele Bachmann’s Expertise Is Slavery… Apparently!
We all remember Bachmann's recent signing of a pledge which claimed that children born under…
Obama Raises Twice As Much As All G.O.P. Candidates Combined
President Obama just set another record, shattering the White House record for presidential election fund-raising…
President Obama – No Guaranteed Social Security Checks If G.O.P. Wins Debt Debate
In an interview with CBS today, President Obama laid it all on the line and…