A dose of reality for Rick Perry’s Texas in reference to unemployment. Kevin Drum posts this chart at Mother Jones, and it shows the present unemployment rate of Texas, as it relates to the unemployment rate of the 11 states immediately…
Category: United States
The Standard & Poors rating agency has, for the first time in America’s history, downgraded America’s Credit ratings, from a Triple A rating to AA+ ratings. The agency cites the political system in Washington as one of the reasons why the credit…
After eight years of the Bush Administration living way beyond its means and charging up a debt that has now put the country on the brink of disaster, NOW the GOP wants to introduce “cap, cuts and balancing” in their never-ending…
How important is it for America to pay its bills? It is so important, that the United States Constitution demands it. Well former President Bill Clinton is voicing his opinion, and according to what he Joe Conason, he would invoke…
In his weekly address to the nation, President Obama continued his push for a balanced approach to the nation’s debt problem, and called for Republicans to agree to raising revenues along with spending cuts. “The truth is, you can’t solve our deficit…
Scott Walker and his Republican goons instituted some of the most radical right winged policies Wisconsin has ever seen, but what caused the Republican governor to admit he made a mistake was not the policies themselves – policies that caused…
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina has a message for his Republican friends in Congress. Don’t blame the President or even the Democrats. Don’t blame anyone else for the mess over raising the debt ceiling, blame yourself. “Our problem…
And so it begins. The triple A(Aaa) ratings that America has enjoyed since 1917 was put on notice for a downgrade today by Moody’s Investors Service. Bloomberg reports that Moody’s took this initial move to lower America’s credit ratings over…
For the 3 people in the entire world, who think Mitch McConnell is sincerely trying to work with the President to set America on solid economic ground, this one’s for you. Today, the Republican Senate minority leader clearly stated his reasoning…
We all remember Bachmann’s recent signing of a pledge which claimed that children born under slavery were better off than those born after President Obama became President! Well, Steven Colbert picked up on another very interesting piece of info about…
It is simple math, really! The primary incentive for any Corporation is to make money, to make a profit. But in order for these companies to achieve their goal, their products or services must be in demand and then purchased….
President Obama called the Republicans’ bluff today, when he stated clearly that he will not sign any short-term deal on the debt ceiling. When asked whether he would veto such a deal, the President replied, “I will not sign a…