The Koch Brothers and Americans For Prosperity have been put on notice… from Anonymous, the internet hacking group that came out in support for Wiki-leaks and other “internet injustices.” The group began their protest by joining the pro-union fight in Wisconsin, and by…
Category: United States
Sometimes you just don’t know what to expect from Conservatives. There are days when you turn on the television and Mike Huckabee is on, criticizing Obamacare as a “government take-over” – a claim that has been debunked by the way, since…
Earlier this week, when a blogger called Wisconsin’s governor Scott Walker, pretending to be David Koch and talking to the governor for about 20 minutes, the joke apparently did not go down too well in the Koch compound. In an interview with…
That description is not coming from me, but from her fellow Republicans who question whether she should be nominated for President in 2012, or even if her name should be mentioned as a potential candidate. Steven Thomma reports; At a…
In a nation of newspapers, radios, televised media and even the internet including the google, information is still not reaching the masses. Or, maybe the masses don’t want to accept the information that they’re getting. In either case, a new …
Republicans have fooled Americans into thinking they’re all for cutting the deficit. And if you listen to them long enough and fail to do the most minimal of research, you will tend to believe the lies. But here’s a little…
So the theory is true — that proponents for health care reform will get little to no media press coverage as compared to those opposed to it. A few weeks ago when a Republican judge ruled the entire Health Care…
Media hound Rush Limbaugh knows how to grab the attention of the audience, and it is so obvious that when he say stupid idiotic things on his radio show and the media dive on his nonsense, it makes him feel good…
Glenn Beck says everyone should “pay their fair share” – that is, those pesky middle class Americans. If you’re a millionaire who gets tons of tax cuts and tax loopholes from the Government, then Beck thinks you’re not getting enough….
Sarah Palin and the Republicans believe that Government is too big, and should be drastically reduced. And you will be crucified by them and called all manner of names like “welfare queen” if you collect any form of subsidy for…
They’re all still bat crazy, even if Karl Rove is attempting to sound like the voice of reason. In a recent interview with Bill O’Reilly, Rove cautioned the Republican leaders against their quick embrace of the Birthers. The Republican strategist…
“In the last two years, under President Obama, the federal government has added 200,000 new federal jobs,” Boehner said. “If some of those jobs are lost so be it. We’re broke.” Okay! Forget the fact that Boehner is lying about…