Michele Bachmann couldn’t do her job as a legislator, but she wants to preside over the most powerful nation on the face of the earth. Politico had this to say about Bachmann’s legislative work since getting the job as Minnesota’s congresswoman Now…
Category: Republican
It is definitely a scary thought, to have a President Sarah Palin. Come to think of it, a President Michele Bachmann or President Mitt Romney will not that appetizing either. We can only hope that the person depicted in the photo below stays far……
Honestly speaking, we don’t know. What we do know, is that Bachmann will say anything and everything, despite what everyone knows to be the truth, if it means there is a slight chance she may advance herself politically with the extremely…
If you are like a majority of people who believe that marijuana should be legalized, then you might take pleasure in this bit of news. Democrat Barney Frank and Republican/Libertarian and candidate for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination Ron Paul, are…
The Quitter from Alaska has struck again. This time, Sarah Palin has walked out on her “One Nation” bus tour, leaving her most trusted aides scratching their heads and wondering “what’s next?”. The conservative website, RealClearPolitics is reporting that the…
Two aides to Maryland’s former Republican Governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr, were indicted on voter suppression charges last Friday. The two aides, Julius Henson and Paul Schurick conducted over 100,000 robo calls last mid-term elections, telling a predominantly black voting block in Maryland…
And so the games in Wisconsin continue. It’s amazing that elected officials are allowed to act so immature, but these days in politics, this seems to be the norm. Weeks after secret meetings where Republicans were trying to come up…
There’s some wild political in-fighting going on in New York, and no, we’re not talking about the Anthony Weiner saga. This time it’s Republicans against Republicans and the fight’s about legalizing gay marriage, which Andrew Cuomo, the Democratic governor of…
The only quality I’ve appreciated about Michele Bachmann is slowly beginning to erode. On many occasions, Mrs. Bachmann has claimed that she raised 23 foster kids along with her 5 children, but new reports being released tell a different story….
This is what you get when you vote for someone to run your state, and that person has no regard for the people of the state, because that person answers to a higher calling – Corporations. Case on point: Republican Governor Chris…
We called it here first. Moments after Anthony Weiner went infront of the podium and proclaimed that he was responsible for the tweet that started the so-called Weinergate – where his apparent sin was texting, then lying to the almighty…
Picture this for a second… You start a non-profit charity that deals mostly in religion and faith issues. You then write a book for profit, then get your non-profit charity to buy your books and DVD’s. The non-profit charity that…