Category: Featured

The Raids on Common Sense

The Raids on Common Sense

When all you have is fear, then that’s how you live. The president has set today as the day I.C.E. raids on undocumented immigrants begin. As policy, this is terrible. As an expression of a governing philosophy, it is unconscionable….

Being with my sister is like, i am with someone who is enough to go here and there, acting weird and feeling sister love.


Sed mollis, augue commodo commodo aliquet, libero ex vestibulum metus, non egestas mauris lacus id dui. Duis dui est, euismod quis justo eu, tempus vestibulum ligula. Morbi non arcu ut justo suscipit faucibus. Fusce molestie, est et commodo malesuada, lacus…

A hat with vest must be optimized

Pellentesque ut dolor venenatis odio vehicula suscipit. Praesent posuere venenatis quam fringilla interdum. Sed fermentum venenatis laoreet. Sed vehicula auctor scelerisque. Morbi eleifend leo vitae nunc tincidunt, id feugiat odio eleifend. Vivamus luctus vitae libero vel dictum. Nulla eget ex…

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