“Where are the jobs!?” was a question John Boehner asked to anyone who gave him the time of day. But then again, a campaign was on the way for the 2010 mid-term election, so asking this question at a time…
Category: Featured
Tripping over himself in all manner of ways, is Republican hopeful for the 2012 presidential elections, Newt The Gingrich. Mr. Gingrich exemplifies the Republicans response to President Obama in all his policy endeavors, and that is – look at the…
The Associated Press reported this week that Newt Gingrich – the morality standard of the Republican party who broke the news to his first wife that he was leaving her for another woman while she lay in a hospital bed…
If Donald Trump ran his businesses the way he’s running his presidential campaign, he would be standing at Grand Central with a plastic cup begging for lunch money. It seems the Trumpster has decided that pandering to the smallest, craziest…
We”ve all heard the cries from Republicans and Teapartiers claiming that they “want their country back!” Have you ever wondered what exactly was meant by the phrase? Well, here’s one way they’re trying to take back their country… Republicans in Minnesota want their school system…
We all remember when Republicans and conservatives criticized the patriotism of anyone who talked negatively of the President at a time of war particularly when that president was on foreign soil. Well evidently, someone forgot to tell Sarah Palin. In…
You have to hand it to Anthony Weiner, Democratic Representative from New York. He appeared on a FOX show hosted by Sean Hannity and got double teamed by the host and his other guest, Michele Bachmann. What made this video…
While outraged Americans were transfixed on the happenings in Wisconsin, where a Republican governor was busy inventing reasons to silence the public employees of his state, another governor was floating along, doing the very same thing in his state, with…
This is not your grandparent’s Republican party. This batch is of a whole new breed. We have documented time and time again, the unbelievable attempts by the Republican Party to totally eliminate anyone whose priorities do not match theirs – whether…
Wisconsin Republicans are not playing anymore games when it comes to taking away the rights of the people of Wisconsin, and any attempt by elected Democrats to stop or slow down any of their outrageous policies, will be combated with a vengeance not yet…
The doorbell to the known residence of Wisconsin’s Republican Senator Randy Hopper rang. The maid for the residence opened the door and found a group of protesters collecting signatures on a petition to recall Hopper. The maid quickly signed the petition and…
The American people have been bamboozled by the Republican party and nowhere is this more evident than in what’s happening in Michigan. Republican governor, Rick Snyder has finally figured out that raising taxes is the way to get his state out…