The Donald recently told NBC that he has his very own investigators in Hawaii, and their sole purpose is to find out the truth about President Obama’s place of birth. “I have people that have been studying it and they cannot…
Category: Featured
And why should he? He’s The Donald for crying out loud! He don’t need to vote in no stinkin’ primary! That’s a waste of his time, and quite frankly, his money. We are talking about the Trump here… There’s casinos to bankrupt,…
“It’s like a big hustle,” De Niro said of The Donald’s birthers act. “It’s like being a car salesman. Don’t go out there and say things unless you can back them up.” That was Robert DeNiro’s response to what Donald…
I’m usually not a big fan of Ed Shultz. I know his passion for the issues, but there are times when he allows his passion to take over the debate and, in my opinion, losing focus of the bigger picture….
Senator John Ensign. Do we need to say more? We can end this post right here and everyone would walk away with a picture in their minds of a Republican Senator who had an affair with a Cynthia Hampton, the…
__ My dear sir, I challenge you to a duel! These words most easily explain what is going on between Glenn Beck and Mike Huckabee. Mr. Huchabee, a 2008 Republican presidential candidate fell on Glenn Beck’s wrong side because of his support…
Michele Bachmann appeared on Good Morning America and was asked about Donald Trump and the whole Birther conspiracy. Mrs Bachmann answered that she thinks we should “move on, end of story.” The Republican representative was responding to host George Stephanopoulos…
We didn’t think she had it in her. But today, Jan Brewer vetoed a bill passed by both the Arizona Senate and House, and would have required all Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates to prove they are United States citizens….
Crazy is crazy, no matter where it comes from. It is, and will always be, crazy! But if you ask some conservative Republicans, their crazy is their crazy, and they want the world to know it. With that said, using…
You will have to check a calendar to believe the year is 2011, because if you simply rely on the stink that’s emitting from the Republican party today, you will swear that we’ve traveled back in time to the 1800’s. Orange County in California is…
No one with common sense takes Donald Trump seriously, but being the noisiest wheel that he is, Trump has forced one of the web’s most respected organizations to check into his Birther accusations. The Donald and the Birthers believe the president was…
Sarah Palin, in a weak attempt to get back into the spotlight again, rushed into Madison Wisconsin to deliver a “unions-bad-people-bad-corporations-good” message. But according to Wisconsin police and those in the audience, the message fell on deaf ears as a…