According to reporting by The Hill, Ben Carson explained why he decided to throw his support behind Donald Trump. According to Carson, a former Republican presidential candidate, he is willing to put the future of the country into the hands…
Category: Donald Trump
According to a video released by the hacking group, “this is not a warning, this is a declaration of total war. Operation trump engaged.” The hacking group Anonymous is urging its followers to launch a barrage of cyberattacks on April…
On the eve of Tuesday’s critical Republican primary voting where Donald Trump could finally gain an insurmountable lead in the delegate count to be the Republican nominee, a little video emerges showing women quoting some, yes some of the nasty…
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has totally lost all the morals he never had, choosing instead to suck-up to Donald Trump at a campaign rally on Monday instead of attending the funeral of a New Jersey state trooper. New Jersey Gov….
Monday brought a brand new look at Donald Trump from a group he would rather not cross paths with – the police. The Cumberland County Sheriff’s office is considering filing charges of inciting a riot against GOP frontrunner Donald Trump…
When you’re applying for the job of president of all the American people and the militia comes to your rescue promising to “forcefully” protect some people over the safety and wellbeing of others, it would seem that your next move…
It was certainly bound to happen. After all, one of Donald Trump’s earliest backers hosted the same crowd when she was running for national office. This is what happens when a politician plays into the anger with more anger and…
The man who Republicans want to be the next president of the United States, have a strange effect on his white supporters when it comes to blacks and other minorities at his posse events. It began with these protesters being…
I’m not sure, but this has to be a record. I can’t remember ever seeing a politician, and that is definitely what Donald Trump is… a politician, but I can’t remember ever seeing a politician interrupted 13 different times in…
Racism… against Donald Trump! That little piece of nonsense comes straight from the bowel of Michael Savage, a right-wing nut-job and an avid Donald Trump supporter who calls himself the “architect of Trump’s message.” Savage thinks Donald Trump is facing “racism”…
It’s business as usual for the businessman turn Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump. And seeing an opportunity to basically sell immigration visas to Chinese investors, Trump reportedly pocketed millions. Bloomberg reports that a “Sopranos”-themed video with Chinese subtitles was used to attract…
Sometimes you wonder if Donald Trump is really this clueless that he would ask his supporters to “raise your right hand” and asked them to vow to come out in support of his campaign for President. The request and image…